Author: jcuadmin In February 2022, Fred and Doreen (siblings) walked into JCU Fort Portal office seeking legal support regarding a succession issue. The two alleged that Aida is a widow to the late Ndege who died intestate in 2005 leaving her with 8 children. Before Ndege’s demise, he had divided This story is about 70-year-old Lusiya, a widow and mother of three children aged between 18 and 26. Her husband died intestate in 2006 Joshua approached JCU Mukono claiming that his mother (Namusisi) passed on intestate in 2001, and she was survived by four children. He further claimed The complainants approached JCU Mukono claiming that they are biological children to the late Kasozi who passed away in 2021 and left behind a The complainant Nadia approached JCU Mukono claiming she’d been in a cohabiting relationship with Kibirige and they have four children the last one being Rachel was employed by Stella as a domestic worker and she was to earn UGX. 80,000 per month. However things took a different turn This is a case of an old man, Peter, a retired Headteacher who owns a residential house in Lira City having purchased it in
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