Author: jcuadmin This happened to our client Cathy. She reported her case to JCU Fort Portal and narrated that the bus she was traveling in, was This story elaborates the steps taken by a family that sought legal action in respect to the unlawful death of Anthony, who they alleged This story is about a strong woman who did not give up even though she was confronted with severe health and financial problems for This is a story of a true family catastrophe deriving from a man who practiced domestic violence, neglected his own children and even pushed The in-charge Gender Based Violence (GBV) Police desk referred a case involving 53-year- old Stanley who had lodged a complaint against his wife Sonia In this case, a woman understood that she too has the right to a share if the family land is sold. She approached JCU In this story, a couple overcame domestic violence and legalized their relationship with the help of Justice Centres Uganda. In June 2020, Paul reported In this story, we see how Cecilia struggled to get a share of her deceased partner’s property simply because they were not legally married.
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