SUCCESS STORY: Not leaving a will led to harsh consequences and could be solved after 13 years - Justice Centres Uganda
JCU Client Mary got to her right after her husband didn't leave a will

SUCCESS STORY: Not leaving a will led to harsh consequences and could be solved after 13 years


“No more paying house rent, no more buying food!” said our client after finally acquiring  justice. Monica (not real name) was helped by JCU Mbale Centre, to retain her land and house that had been forcefully seized by her in-laws thirteen (13) years ago.

Monica’s partner Lawrence (not real name), passed on without leaving a will (intestate) in 2006 and he left behind a kibanja with a residential house. Upon his demise, Monica and her two children were forcefully evicted from this property by her in-laws who denied her access to it and withheld the land sale agreement from her. Monica was forced to rent a house where she stayed with her two children, as she sought help from various institutions.

In September 2019, her case was referred to our Mbale offices by Justice for Children – Mbale, after mediation had failed. The JCU Legal Officer took on this case and mediated the matter. During mediation, Lawrence’s family blamed Monica for Lawrence’s death and made it clear that this was the sole reason as to why they had evicted her from the land. During the mediation, the Legal Officer, made the parties aware of intestate succession and informed Monica’s in-laws that the deceased’s property legally belonged to his children. She also informed them of the legal implications of trespassing since they had trespassed on the deceased’s land.

Based on that knowledge, the parties entered into an agreement by signing an MoU wherein the in-laws agreed to return the sale agreement and that JCU would help Monica’s son acquire Letters of Administration. In December 2019, letters of administration were granted to Monica’s son and the sale agreement was deposited by the in-laws at our Mbale offices.

In March 2020, the JCU Legal Officer followed up on the matter and helped the beneficiaries to equally share the property amongst themselves. Justice was finally brought home and a widow and her children recovered their land and home.

Download the template of a will (computer version)

Download the template of a will (for hand writing)

Read more:

How to make a will and why

What happens if no will was made before passing away?

What happens after my parent/legal guardian has died and he/she made a will?
