This is a story of Sarah and Innocent, two cohabitees from Kabarole District, who were in a relationship for seven years and have a little girl who is now four years old. The couple developed misunderstandings in 2019 when Innocent allegedly had an affair with another woman, causing Sarah to leave her partner’s house.
This is when Innocent stopped providing for their daughter and Sarah had to fend for the child with the help of her family. Before Sarah came to JCU, she reported her grievance to the LC1 chairperson who mediated the matter and both parties entered into an agreement where Innocent would provide food for the child, pay medical bills and send weekly maintenance of UGX 25,000 to Sarah. Innocent stopped complying with the agreement and did not provide for the child. March 2021 was Sarah’s breaking point, she opted to contact the JCU Fort Portal Centre after hearing about JCU services on the radio. A mediation was scheduled between both parties in order to resolve the matter.
In the mediation the different points of view of both parties were discussed and Innocent understood the consequences of not providing for his child. At the end of the mediation, both parties agreed that Sarah would continue to be in custody of the child and that Innocent would abide by the agreement they had made in the chairperson’s presence, prior to JCU’s intervention. The parties thanked JCU for the sensitisation about children’s rights and the professional handling of their matter.
REMEMBER: Parents are obligated to care for their children and in cases where a parent ignores their child’s needs, it is regarded as child negligence which is a violation of children’s rights and is punishable under the law.