In February 2020, Ronald (pseudonym) approached JCU Bundibugyo offices where he laid a complaint against his former partner Cathy (pseudonym) for encroaching on his land. Ronald alleged that Cathy was still trespassing on his land even after their separation which occurred in 2005. The JCU legal volunteer sat both parties down to mediate their matter and upon further discussion, it was discovered that the land legally belonged to Ronald but Cathy had set up some developments on the land during the course of their marriage. Ronald however insisted that his ex-partner did not have any rights to the land and he thought women have no right to own land.
The legal volunteer therefore took the time to educate Ronald and the members in attendance on land and property rights especially women and girls’ rights to own and inherit property. Ronald appreciated the session and it was eventually agreed by both parties that they would share the land in order to enable Cathy generate income from the developments she had set up on the land. Both parties also agreed to jointly provide for their two children. The clan leaders and other community members in attendance were grateful to JCU for their intervention in solving the dispute.
Parties after signing an MoU (Memorandum of Understanding)