SUCCESS STORY: Parental Responsibilities - Justice Centres Uganda

SUCCESS STORY: Parental Responsibilities

Our Legal Volunteer from Fort Portal Centre conducted a mediation between our client Jessica (pseudonym) and respondent Rogers (pseudonym). Jessica contacted JCU Fort Portal Centre in May 2020 and reported Rogers who she claimed wasn’t providing for their one month old baby. She stated that the respondent had neglected his parental responsibilities and therefore she was seeking child support.

JCU Legal volunteer arranged a mediation between the two and during this mediation, it was discovered that there was more to the story. Rogers claimed that Jessica would sometimes abandon their baby in the house alone for long hours and that sometimes the neighbors would take it upon themselves to care for the baby. The respondent however offered to contribute 100,000 shillings per month towards child maintenance which Jessica turned down saying it wasn’t enough.

Upon further discussions between the parties, they both agreed that the child should stay with Rogers and that Jessica would have visiting rights. It was further agreed that Rogers’ mother would support in taking care of the child.

The Legal volunteer further talked to Jessica and explained to her the consequences of her decision. However, Jessica insisted that the child lives with Rogers. That very day, Rogers took the child. Both parties were advised to amicably work together moving forward for the good of their child.

The  JCU Fort Portal team collected & donated a few baby essentials to Rogers as he didn’t have any necessities for the baby.

