In this case uncle Roger took advantage of the vulnerability of two orphans. He forged the will of their mother and was about to sell the mother’s estate to enrich himself.
Juliet approached Kasese offices stating that her mother Ivy, passed away in 2020 and her uncle Roger forged a will which stated that Ivy left him all her property and appointed him as the executor and most astonishingly, that she didn’t have children.
Juliet revealed that her mother had been of unsound mind in the last six months before her death and Juliet suspected that Roger had taken advantage of her condition. One year later, Roger began attempts at evicting Juliet and her sister Maggie from their mother’s land because he wanted to sell it. When these attempts started, Juliet understood that she needed to act immediately. She contacted the Resident District Commissioner, who referred her to Justice Centres Uganda.
The JCU legal officer organised a mediation between the sisters and their uncle. During the mediation, Roger alleged that he obtained the grant of probate lawfully however the girls contested the will and the grant, causing the mediation to fail. The legal officer also made an application for citation of the grant obtained fraudulently and filed a suit for revocation of the grant of probate. Court revoked the grant of probate and a fresh grant of probate was issued to the sisters.