JCU office | Name of Organisation | Nature of Organisation | District/s of Operation | Address | Thematic areas | Areas of potential partnership | Contact person & contact details |
Bundibugyo | Uganda Police Force | Government Institutions | Bundibugyo | Sssaza Road, Next to Bundibugyo District Local Government Head Quarters. | Protection of life and property, prevention and dectection of crime, keeping law and order | Police decongestion, Juvenile justice, land related matters, domestic violence, referrals | Ag. DPC ASP Koojo Innocent, Ag. OC Station Okello Okello 0770466371, OC-CID D/ASP Kwiringira Joshua 0778274926, In-charge SGBV desk Nabukenya Maria 0772961210, In-charge CFPU Kabafumu Faith 0774663321, CPL kafureka Godfrey 0777595008, SGT Peter Lwesabula 0781402084. |
Bundibugyo | Uganda Human Rights Commission, Field Office | Government Institutions | Bundibugyo | Plot 100, Fort Portal road. Bundibugyo Town Council | Promotion and protection of Human Rights: Response to Human rights violations by Government Agencies and Individuals | Referrals and Civic education/ Outreaches. | Janepher Namuyanja- 0782224355- Human Rights Officer. Kente Chrisitne- 0786132985- Human Rights Officer |
Bundibugyo | ACORD | Non-Govermental Organisation | Bundibugyo, Ntoroko, Kabarole, Mbarara | Planning Unit, Bundibugyo Local Government Ssaza Street, Bundibugyo Town Council. | GBV | Joint Sensistizations in subcounties of Kisuba, Butama, Bubandi, Bukonzo, Ntandi Town council, referrals of GBV victims in need of shelters in Bubukwanga and Bukhonzo Sub county. Fighting GBV against Women, Men ,girls and boys; Male involvement in the fight against GBV | Atukunda Christine Project Assistant 0702004056, Babiha Jenifer Project Assistant 0777143154. |
Bundibugyo | Public Interest Law Clinic-PILAC | Legal Aid service provider | Bundibugyo | P.O.Box 1215 Mupalya road, Bundibugyo District. | Legal Aid services | Joint community sesintizations; Referrals. | Tusubira Gracemark Lawyer, 0701815481 |
Bundibugyo | Bundibugyo Associalation of Women Living with HIV/AIDs-BAWILHA | Women's rights organisations | Bundibugyo | P.O.Box 1221, Bundibugyo District. info@bawilha.org | GBV | Referral of clients, communcity senstizations, psycosocial support for Women Living with HIV | Mbabazi Phiona Executive Director 0777644660 |
Bundibugyo | Bundibugyo Associalation of Women Living with HIV/AIDs-BAWILHA | Women's rights organisations | Bundibugyo | P.O.Box 1221, Bundibugyo District. info@bawilha.org | Psychosocial support. | Referral of clients, communcity senstizations, psycosocial support for Women Living with HIV | Mbabazi Phiona Executive Director 0777644660 |
Bundibugyo | Bundibugyo Associalation of Women Living with HIV/AIDs-BAWILHA | Women's rights organisations | Bundibugyo | P.O.Box 1221, Bundibugyo District. info@bawilha.org | HIV couselling | Referral of clients, communcity senstizations, psycosocial support for Women Living with HIV | Mbabazi Phiona Executive Director 0777644660 |
Bundibugyo | Bundibugyo Associalation of Women Living with HIV/AIDs-BAWILHA | Women's rights organisations | Bundibugyo | P.O.Box 1221, Bundibugyo District. info@bawilha.org | GBV care | Referral of clients, communcity senstizations, psycosocial support for Women Living with HIV | Mbabazi Phiona Executive Director 0777644660 |
Bundibugyo | Bundibugyo Associalation of Women Living with HIV/AIDs-BAWILHA | Women's rights organisations | Bundibugyo | P.O.Box 1221, Bundibugyo District. info@bawilha.org | Community sensitization | Referral of clients, communcity senstizations, psycosocial support for Women Living with HIV | Mbabazi Phiona Executive Director 0777644660 |
Bundibugyo | Bundibugyo Associalation of Women Living with HIV/AIDs-BAWILHA | Women's rights organisations | Bundibugyo | P.O.Box 1221, Bundibugyo District. info@bawilha.org | Community sensitization | Referral of clients, communcity senstizations, psycosocial support for Women Living with HIV | Mbabazi Phiona Executive Director 0777644660 |
Bundibugyo | Bundibugyo Associalation of Women Living with HIV/AIDs-BAWILHA | Women's rights organisations | Bundibugyo | P.O.Box 1221, Bundibugyo District. info@bawilha.org | Community sensitization | Referral of clients, communcity senstizations, psycosocial support for Women Living with HIV | Mbabazi Phiona Executive Director 0777644660 |
Bundibugyo | Bundibugyo Associalation of Women Living with HIV/AIDs-BAWILHA | Women's rights organisations | Bundibugyo | P.O.Box 1221, Bundibugyo District. info@bawilha.org | Community sensitization | Referral of clients, communcity senstizations, psycosocial support for Women Living with HIV | Mbabazi Phiona Executive Director 0777644660 |
Bundibugyo | Bundibugyo Associalation of Women Living with HIV/AIDs-BAWILHA | Women's rights organisations | Bundibugyo | P.O.Box 1221, Bundibugyo District. info@bawilha.org | Community sensitization | Referral of clients, communcity senstizations, psycosocial support for Women Living with HIV | Mbabazi Phiona Executive Director 0777644660 |
Bundibugyo | Probation and Social Welfare Offcier | Government Institutions | Bundibugyo | Bundbibugyo District Local Government P.O.Box 466 | Child protection, Juvenile justice, family mediations, GBV, Psycosocial counselling. | Legal support in child protection, family mediations, Senstizations and Referrals. | Adong Pamela PSWO 0782810739 |
Bundibugyo | Probation and Social Welfare Offcier | Government Institutions | Bundibugyo | Bundbibugyo District Local Government P.O.Box 466 | Child protection, Juvenile justice, family mediations, GBV, Psycosocial counselling. | Legal support in child protection, family mediations, Senstizations and Referrals. | Adong Pamela PSWO 0782810739 |
Bundibugyo | Probation and Social Welfare Offcier | Government Institutions | Bundibugyo | Bundbibugyo District Local Government P.O.Box 466 | Child protection, Juvenile justice, family mediations, GBV, Psycosocial counselling. | Legal support in child protection, family mediations, Senstizations and Referrals. | Adong Pamela PSWO 0782810739 |
Bundibugyo | Probation and Social Welfare Offcier | Government Institutions | Bundibugyo | Bundbibugyo District Local Government P.O.Box 466 | Child protection, Juvenile justice, family mediations, GBV, Psycosocial counselling. | Legal support in child protection, family mediations, Senstizations and Referrals. | Adong Pamela PSWO 0782810739 |
Bundibugyo | Resident District Commissioner-RDC | Government Institutions | Bundibugyo Distirct | Sssaza Road, Next to Bundibugyo District Local Government Head Quarters. | Over see governent programes, cordniate security. | Referrals, Provision of Free radio talk shows. | Mr. Asiimwe Amos RDC 0753383891; Mr. Umaru Muhanguzi Deputy RDC 0789558220, |
Bundibugyo | Forum for African Women Educationists Uganda Chapter- FAWE | Women's rights organisations | Bundibugyo, Ntoroko, Kabarole. | Community Based Services Depatament, Bundibugyo District Local Government. | Child protection, enhancing girls and women eduaction for development, women empowerment. | Joint Sensitization /community dialogues, Referrals. Management of GBV cases | Stephen Byamukama Program Assistant 0701323876, 0772318196, +256 392894901 |
Bundibugyo | Uganda Network on Law Ethics and HIV/AIDs-UGANET | Non-Govermental Organisation | Bundibugyo, Ntoroko | Kaija Building, Esco Road, Bundibugyo District. | Violence against Women and Girls, Justice and legal litigation, legal advocacy, psycosocial support. | Joint community sesntiszations, Stakeholders meetings, referral for clients in need of psycosocial support. | Baguma Robert, Project Officer 0772812456 |
Bundibugyo | Action Group for Human Rights and HIV/AIDs-AGHA | Sexual & Reproductive Health | Bundibugyo | P.O.Box 24667, Kampala, Kaija Building, Esco Road, Bundibugyo District. | Advocacy and lobbying | Advocacy and referrals for clients in need of legal assistance and psycosocial support. | Joseph Ochwo 0774803583 |
Bundibugyo | Bundibugyo District Association of the Deaf | Non-Govermental Organisation | Bundibugyo | Bumadu Road near Works Department; Bundibugyo Town Council. | Advocate for inclusion of People with disabilities into government and private sector programs; through capacity building. | Refferrals, Sensitiztions to PWDs. | Tibesigwa Herbert; Project Cordinator 0784336553 |
Bundibugyo | District Community Development Office | Government Institutions | Bundibugyo | Bundibugyo Local Government building; Ssaza Street, Bundibugyo Town Council. | Cordinate Community based services in the District, Registration of NGOs, Child Protection Case Management, Create awareness about SGBV, Cordinate all government programmes. | Referrals, Mediations, Joint Community Outreach Programmes, Tracking GBV cases and data. | Mugisa Simon; DCDO- 0782338310 |
Tororo | Reproductive Health Uganda | Government Institutions | Tororo | P.O.BOX | Sexual and Reproductive Health | Through outreaches at the health centres IVs in the sub county | Silas Gogo Cluster Coordinator 0700390225 |
Tororo | (Police)Child and Family Protection Unit | Government Institutions | Tororo | P.O.BOX 7, Tororo | Sexual and Gender Based Violence | Referral of domestic violence cases(Sexual and physical violence) | Awori Christine 0785331953 Officer in Charge CFPU,tororo |
Tororo | Probation and Social Welfare Office | Government Institutions | Tororo | P.O.BOX | Child offenders. | Counselling of child offenders and family members facing domestic violence, investigation and follow up by child offenders. | Alamai Suzan 0772883723 |
Tororo | Human Rights and Rehabilitation Centre | Government Institutions | Tororo | P.O.BOX | Domestic violence | Referral of domestic violence cases especially those that have failed at mediation and are supposed to be taken for litigation. | Ayo Juliet 032555666 |
Tororo | PACE(Program for Accessible Health, Communication and Education) | Women's rights organisations | Tororo | 6th Floor, BLOCK B,UAP Nakawa Business Park Plot 3-5 New Port Bell Road P.O.BOX 8082,Kampala | Sexual and Gender Based Violence | Joint sensitization activities on sgbv in sub counties of operation, referrals from community on cases meant for mediation and litigation. | Namuddu Elizabeth Project Officer Global fund(HIV) 0774532664 |
Tororo | UGANET(Uganda Network on Law Ethics and HIV/AIDS | Women's rights organisations | Tororo | Sexual and Gender Based Violence | Joint sensitization activities on sgbv in sub counties of operation, referrals from community on cases meant for mediation and litigation. | Julius Oburu 0773663915 | |
Tororo | Tororo Community of Women Living with HIV Advocates(TOCWLA) | Women's rights organisations | Tororo | Domestic violence | Sensitization of women living with HIV/AIDS of their rights | Ayo Proscovia District Coordinator 0775169942 | |
Tororo | Landnet( Land Network) | NGO | Tororo | P.O.BOX | Land conflicts | Capacity building of community based volunteers, joint sensitization activities and referral of cases especially land disputes with women as victims. | Bernadette Bakidde 0704018497 |
Tororo | International Justice Mission(IJM) | GBV | Tororo | P.O.BOX | Gender Based Violence | Jointly watching brief and guiding victims of defilement/rape in court.Ensuring that the victims of Gbv get adequate treatment from a qualified medical personnel. | Stella Rose Atunyo 0772346399 |
Tororo | UWONET( Uganda Women Network) | Women's rights organisations | Tororo | Block 216, Mirembe Close, 710 Kalinabiri Road, Kampala. | Empowerment of women | Joint sensitization activities for women | Nyasenya Eva 0777411418 |
Tororo | MIFUMI | Women's rights organisations | Tororo | Plot 1 Masaba Road P.O.BOX 274, Tororo Uganda | Gender Based Violence | Referral of GBV cases that require court action and have failed at mediation. | Francis Olaboro 0774083731 |
Tororo | Director of Public Prosecutions(Resident state Attorney) | Government Institutions | Tororo | P.O.BOX | Gender based violence cases | Follow up of GBV cases to ensure that all evidence from police has been submitted and on file. Follow up to ensure sanctions in cases of sufficient evidence | Namara Amina Resident State Attorney, Tororo 0772580966 |
Tororo | NAWOU(The National Association of Women Organisations in Uganda) | Women's rights organisations | Tororo | P.O.BOX 1663, Kampala-Hoima, Kampala. | Gender based violence | Joint activities in the field from interviewing victims/survivors, | Nabwire Pauline 0773221272 |
Tororo | NOWUDU (National Union of Women with Disabilities of Uganda) | GBV | Tororo | Plot 2015 Kisaasi, Kyanja Rd. Kampala | Gender Based Violance in relation to PWDs | Pretty Nalubega 0777032315 | |
Tororo | ACORD | Male Involvement | Tororo | Plot 33A, Osukuru Road, Senior Quarters | Combating GBV and promoting SRHR through the use of Male Action Groups (MAGs) | Sensitisation of communities using these MAGs | Elly Turuho 0783105701 |
Tororo | District Community Development Officer | Government Institutions | Tororo | Vincent Oguti 0772555391 | |||
Tororo | Child's I Foundation | Women's rights organisations | Tororo | Resettlement | Resettlement | Shaggy 0776110321 | |
Tororo | World Vision | NGO | Tororo, Butaleja and Busia | Plot 15B Nakasero Road, Kampala | Development,poverty reduction and advocacy | Joint Sensitisations and outreaches to women PWDs, and children in schools Offering psychosocial support to SGBV survivors | Joseph Ecidu 0772332875 |
Tororo | Marie Stopes Uganda | Sexual & Reproductive Health | Tororo | Plot 12 Hyena Drive Tororo | SRHR and community sensitisations | Lwanyaga Paul 0788660326/0759004045 | |
Tororo | Reproductive Health Uganda | Government Institutions | Tororo | Reproductive health rights | Referral and outreaches. | Silas Gogo Cluster coordinator, 0700390225 | |
Tororo | MIFUMI | Women's rights organisations | Tororo | Plot 1 Masaba Road P.O.BOX 274, Tororo Uganda | advocacy in respect to access to justice and referrals. | Referrals | Asio Joyce Francis Olaboro 0774083731 |
Tororo | WorldVision | NGO | Tororo, Busia and Butaleja | Plot 15B Nakasero Road, Kampala | Development,poverty reduction and advocacy | Through conducting outreaches | Joseph Ecidu 0772332875 |
Tororo | child and family protection Unit | Government Institutions | Tororo | deal with family related issues | Referrals | Oc Awori Christine 0785331953. | |
Tororo | Legal Aid-Uganda Law Society | Government Institutions | Soroti | general legal aid services. | Referrals | ||
Tororo | District Labour officer | Government Institutions | Tororo | labour/employement related cases | referrals | Jerome Onyango 0777917088 | |
Tororo | Uganda Human Rights Organisation | Government Institutions | Tororo | ||||
Tororo | Moslem Centre for Justice and Service. | Women's rights organisations | Bugiri | referrals | |||
Tororo | FIDA | Women's rights organisations | Mbale | civil and family matters | referrals | Monica 0773151149 | |
Tororo | Uganda Police force | Government Institutions | Tororo | invistigations and arrests | Referral, police outreaches. | DPC Chebene Rogers0752159770. OCCID Namono Gift. 0701553222 | |
Tororo | Director of public prosecution office. RSA. | Government Institutions | Tororo | Prosecuting criminal charges. | Through referrals and PDP. | Namara Amina 0772580966. | |
Tororo | UGANET | GBV | Tororo | Advocacy in respect to access to justice , HR and strengthening of policy. | Through refferal and otreaches. | Julius Oburu 0773663915 | |
Tororo | Human Rights and Rehabilitation Centre | NGO | Tororo | handle HRs related issues | Referral and outreaches. | Ayo Juliet 0704075051 | |
Tororo | COMPASSION International | NGO | Butaleja | child advocacy ministry | Referral and outreaches. | ||
Tororo | Judiciary | Government Institutions | Tororo, Butaleja , Bubulo and Busia. | Hearing cases both criminal and civil. | Referral, Mediations, PDP and litigation. | HW Mulondo Mastula 0779158066 | |
Tororo | Uganda Human Rights commission. | Government Institutions | Jinja | handle HR related issues | Referrals and outreaches | 774267572 | |
Tororo | Platform for Labour Action. | NGO | Tororo, Iganga and Busia. | labour related issues | Referral and outreaches. | ||
Tororo | Paralegal Advisory services. | NGO | Busia | Handling civil cases | Referrals. | ||
Tororo | LAPSNET | NGO | Kampala | provide legal aid services | Referrals, advocacy and outreaches. | 0800100155 Toll free line. | |
Tororo | PACE | NGO | Tororo | P.O.Box 28643 Kampala Uganda. | mentor and empower girl childand create awereness on HIV. | Outreaches and referrals. | 703353562/0703353567.Betreace Acheng Nas. Executive director.or Namuddu Elizabeth Tororo 0774532664 |
Tororo | Uganda prisons. | Government Institutions | Tororo,Butaleja,Busia and Bubulo | Outreaches and referrals. | OC prisons Busia 0705180027 Alexander. OC prison Morukatipe 0782870332 | ||
Mubende | Distirct Probation and Social Welfare / Fort Portal Remand Home | Government Institutions | Mubende, Kyegegwa, | Mubende District Local Government Headquarters, Kaweeri | Juvenile Justice | Referral of Clients and Legal Representation of Clients | Nagawa Mariam District ProbationOfficer 0772592586 |
Mubende | Action Aid Uganda Mubende | Counselling & SHELTER | Mubende, Kasanda | Mubende Municipality, West Division, Along Kasenyi Church Road. | SGBV, Women'sShelter | Referal of Clients and Cross referal | Tusiime Catherine Program Officer - Mubende 0392767740 / 0776990100 |
Mubende | Justice Defenders formerly African Prison's Project | Prisoners Rights | Mubende, Mityana, Kassanda, Kakumiro, Kibaale. | Justice Degenders Mubende, Office of the Uganda Prisons Service, Wamala Regional Office, Lubanga Road. | Criminal Justice | We liaise on identifying Prisoners for PDP, and on Sensitising Prisoners and the Public about Criminal Proceedure, and the Rights of Prisoners | Vivian Ainomugisha 0789314373 |
Fort Portal | Save the Children | NGO/Civil Society Organisation | Western regional Office | Plot 12, Nyaika Avenue, Boma West Division, P.O Box 576, Fort Portal. | Child protection, child rights governance, education, health and nutrition, youth and livehoods, child poverty and refugeeresponse | Referrals in enforcing child protection rights. Refer clients with child protection needs. | Martin Obwoya 0393000221 |
Fort Portal | Baylor College of Medicine Children's Foundation -Uganda | NGO/Civil Society Organisation | Rwenzori regional Office | Plot 34, Kakiiza Road, Boma, Fort Portal. | Reproductive health. HIV and AIDS | Refer Cleints with health problems, family planning etc | |
Fort Portal | Forum for African Women Educationalists Uganda ( FAWEU) | NGO/Civil Society Organisation | Fort Portal Regional Office | Plot 19 A1, Government Road Boma West Fortal Portal. P.O Box 24117, Kampala Uganda. Tel 0788812725 | Women's rights, protecting girs from early marriages. | Refer cases of child marriages, vulnerable women in need of skills | Jackie 0701852824 |
Fort Portal | Uganda Red Cross, Society | NGO/Civil Society Organisation | Kabarole Brach | Plot 19 Mary Hall Road, P.O Box 826 FortPortal | Disaster, blood donations | Report incidents of calmity | |
Fort Portal | Joint Clinic Research Centre (JCRC) | Organisation | Fort Portal Regional Office | Buhinga Hospital | Medical research | ||
Fort Portal | Engabuza Tooro -Tooro Youth | NGO/Civil Society Organisation | Fort Portal - Uganda | Plot 18 Kaija Road, Kabundaire, P.O Box 886. Tel 0483422187/ 0772469751 | Youth empowerment through imparting skills, educational services | Refer young people who need skill development, scholarships | |
Fort Portal | Reproduction Health Uganda | NGO/CBO | Fort Portal Clinic | Plot 2ABoma Opposte Toro Club, P.O Box 458 Fort Portal. | Health issiues, family planning, counselling, labarotory services | Refer Cleints with health problems, family planning etc | Prudens 0700390215/0771658978 |
Fort Portal | Rwenzori Anti -Corruption Coalition (RAC) | NGO/Civil Society Organisation | Fort Portal | P.O Box 185 Fort Portal, Rwenzori Road. Tel 0800110066 | Law and governance, eradicating corruption, accountabiity | Refer incidents of corruption, partner in monitoring government institutions to ensure accountability. Partner in legal senstizations. | Angella Byangwa 0782360325/0772558363 |
Fort Portal | Inspectorate of Government | Government Institution | Fort Portal Regional Office | Plot1A, Mugurusi Road, P.O Box 157 Fort Portal. | Investigate abuse of officeand corruption by public officers | Refer issues of corruption by public officers | Tel 04834235316/ 04834250110 |
Fort Portal | Uganda Human Rights Commission | Government Institution | Fort Portal Regional Office | P.O Box 960 Fort Portal,Fort Portal. Tel 04836423176 | Fulfill constitutional mandatetosafeguard and protect human rights | Refer issues of human rights abuse to the Human rights court. | Crispus |
Fort Portal | Legal Aid Project of Uganda Law Society | NGO/Civil Society Organisation | Kabarole Brach | P.O Box 831 Fort Portal Tel 0483427328 | enabling vulnerable persons access free legal services | Refer clients whose disputes arise from areas out of JCU jurisdiction | Muhumuza Sam |
Fort Portal | Justice for children Uganda | Government Project | Fort Portal Regional Office | High Court of Fort Portal- Boma | Child protection. | Partner in issues concerning child protection | Kamuhuma Jennifer tel 0775788635 |
Fort Portal | Rwenzori Empowerment Programmes of transformation and action | NGO/Civil Society Organisation | Rwebisengo Town Council in Ntorok District. | Rwebisengo Town Council in Ntorok District. | law and governance, general health, skilling, nutrition, child protection, conflict management, counselling | Refer clients that fall under their mandate in Ntoroko district | Lameck Kaitumba - Executive Director 0782918763 |
Fort Portal | Toro Development Network (ToroDev) | NGO/Civil Society Organisation | Fort portal city | Nyaika Avenue Boma | Community mobilzation activities and trainings for women and youth sustainability | Partner in mattersof legal senstization especially on radio | Executive Director- David Kugonza 0774197155 |
Fort Portal | Rwenzori Forum for Peace and Justice (RFPJ) | NGO/Civil Society Organisation | Fort portal City | Rwengoma along bundibujo road | Promoting human rights, building peace and preventing violence | Report incidents of violence especially such cases that require reconciliation | 772981866 |
Fort Portal | Joint Effort to Save the Environment (JESE) | NGO/Civil Society Organisation | fort portal city | Kitumba below DPP's office | Skilling in agriculture for farmers | Support JCU vulnerable clients benefit from skilling in agriculture | Patrick Baguma 0772492109 |
Fort Portal | Toro Botanical Gardens (TBG) | NGO/Civil Society Organisation | Fort portal City | Plot 2-8 Njara Road Fort portal | Conducts scientific research, empowers women and youth through training in tree planting | referral partner for skilling. | Godfrey Ruyonga 0782673188 |
Fort Portal | Sustainable Agriculture Trainers Network (SATNET) | NGO/Civil Society Organisation | Fortportal City | P.O.Box 884 Fortportal Uganda | Skilling in agriculture for farmers, natural resource management | Support JCU vulnerable clients benefit from skilling in agriculture | Rev. Kitooke Micheal 0772894192 |
Fort Portal | Youth Encouragement Services (YES) | NGO/Civil Society Organisation | Fort portal City | Kakiza Road Boma | Supports orphans and other vulnerable children, orphanage for children with HIV and AIDS | Refer cases within their mandate | David Tumwine 0774442592 |
Fort Portal | Association of Rwenzori Community (RCA) | NGO/Civil Society Organisation | Kabarole | Karangula Sub-County | Community empowerment in agriculture and enviroment conservation. Child protection and gender issues | To refer issues of Community empowerment in agriculture and enviroment conservation. Child protection and gender | Aoron Byakutaaga 0772310468 |
Fort Portal | KAANA foundation | NGO/Civil Society Organisation | Fort portal City | Opp. Kijaguzo Hotel Kabundaire Market | Counselling, youth and women empowerment, skilling, Human rights and governance | Referral partner for clients in need of free legal services. JCU refers cases that require counselling and skilling | 0772485840 Isagara Nyakaana |
Fort Portal | Natural Resources Defence Initiative(NRDI) | NGO/Civil Society Organisation | Fort portal City | Butebe along Bundibugyo Road | Natural resource governance and advocacy. Enviromental restoration and conservation | Reffer clients within their mandate | Christopher Amanyire 0782309910 |
Fort Portal | KUYOG | NGO/Civil Society Organisation | Bunyangabo | Kyamukube Trading Centre | Support vulnerable children, education services and skilling in income generating projects | Reffer clients within their mandate | Peter Mutungi 0788891754 |
Fort Portal | Kitojo Intergrated Development Action (KIDA) | NGO/Civil Society Organisation | Kababrole | Rutete at Rwihamba trading centre | Gender based violence, counselling and skillling | Reffer clients within their mandate | Rev. Ezra Musobozi |
Fort Portal | RIDIP | NGO/Civil Society Organisation | kabarole | Ruhenda, Kyamukube Trading Centre Mutumba | Mobilizing scholarships for vulnerable children, skilling | Reffer clients within their mandate | Kalinguza MP William 0779352109 |
Fort Portal | Rwengoma HIV/AIDS | NGO | Fort portal | Rwengoma behind Kahingi Primary School | Counselling services Child protection | Reffer clients within their mandate | Musana Christine 0712063059/0777281432 |
Fort Portal | Nyabusa Youth in action for behaviour Change (NYABIC) | NGO | Kabarole | Nyabusa Parish | Counselling, health education, career guidance and family planning | Reffer clients within their mandate | George 0770425182 |
Fort Portal | Legal Aid Clinic of LDC | Project -LDC | Fort portal city | Municipal Building, Boma | Legal Aid | Refer clients that fall out of JCU jurisdiction. Partner in child protection. | Kemigabo Doreen 0774407634 |
Fort Portal | Kabarole Research and Resource Centre Uganda (KRC) | NGO | Fort portal City | Mugurusi Road | Law, Human rights and governance, legal sensitization | Receive refers from their organisation for derserving clients that qualify for JCU services. | Patrick Muzinduki 0772583938 |
Fort Portal | IJM- International Justice Mission | NGO | Kabarole | Kitumba near Regional DPP office | Human rights especially SGBV cases | Reffer clients within their mandate | Ongom Ruth 0701688554 |
Fort Portal | Directorate of Community Service | Government Institution | Kabarole | High Court of Fort Portal- Boma | Enforce community service orders | Partner in Prison decongestion | Nazarius Tumusiime 0702317267 |
Fort Portal | Chief Magistrates court of Fort Portal | Government | Kabarole | High Court of Fort Portal- Boma | Administration of Justice | Partner for dispute resolution - litigation, mediations, ADR | H/W Kule Robert 0772887948 or Ikiriza Jonathan O/S 0772456849 |
Fort Portal | High Court of Fort Portal | Government | Kabarole | High Court of Fort Portal- Boma | Administration of Justice | Partner for dispute resolution - litigation, mediations, ADR | Justice Vicent Emmy Mugabo 0772499683 or H/W Twinomuhwezi Henry 0772480577 |
Fort Portal | Uganda Police | Government | Kabarole | District Police headquarters - Boma | Administration of Justice | Partner for dispute resolution - litigation, mediations, ADR, outreaches | DPC Oese John 0782110467/0702110467 |
Fort Portal | Uganda Prisions Katojo | Government | Kabarole | Katojo | Rehabilitation of inmates | Partner foroutreaches,criminal matters like Plea bargains and PDP | ASP Busulwa 0778634344 |
Mbale | Sironko District Local Government | Government Institutions | Sironko | Sironko District Headquarters, Sironko Town along Mbale - Moroto road. | Administration of estates, land, GBV, juvenile justice. | Partner to conduct civic education, resolve disputes through mediation, referals of cases. | Ms. Mugoya Cathy ( District Probation and Social Welfare officer). Contact:0772566366 |
Mbale | Uganda Government Prison -Mutufu | Government Institutions | Sironko | Mutufu along Nalugugu- Budadiri road. | Criminal justice | Referal of cases, legal representation for inmates, civic education | ASP Wataka James , the Officer in charge of the Prison 0782964740 |
Mbale | Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions- Sironko | Government Institutions | Sironko | At Chief Magistrate's Court Sironko. | Criminal justice | Plea bargains, state brief, community awareness programs. | Mr. George Bigira (new state on transfer/ no contacts yet obtained) |
Mbale | Chief Magistrate's Court-Sironko | Government Institutions | Sironko and Bulambuli | Sironko District Headquarters, Sironko Town along Mbale - Moroto road. | Land, administration of estates, GBV | Referal of cases for Mediation, civic education especially local council Courts | H/W Mutala Peter Grade 1 Magistrate Sironko Contact: 0701789799 |
Mbale | Mbale Remand Home | Government Institutions | Eastern Uganda districts | Namakwekwe Cell, Northern Division, Mbale City. | Juvenile justice | Awareness creation programs (civic education), plea bargain and legal representation | Ms. Amunyir Sarah, the Welfare officer .Contact:0782572265 |
Mbale | FIDA -U | Women's rights organisations | Mbale | Aryada Street, Nkokonjeru Mbale City. | Access to Justice for women | Awareness creation programs (civic education), mediations. | Ms. Monica Nyawere Co-ordinator FIDA-U Contact: 0773151149 |
Mbale | Chief Magistrate's Court -Mbale | Government Institutions | Mbale | Republic Road, Mbale City. | Land, administration of estates, GBV | Referal of cases for Mediation, civic education especially local council Courts | H/W Ereemye James Jumire Mawanda, the Chief Magistrate.Contact:0776482436 |
Mbale | High Court of Uganda- Mbale | Government Institutions | Mbale , Sironko, Bulambuli, Budaka, Kibuku, Paliisa, Butebo, Bulambuli, Kapchorwa, Manafwa, Namisindwa, Bududa, Bukwo, Kween | Republic Road, Mbale City. | Land, administration of estates, GBV | Mediation, legal representation, plea bargains | H/W Ereemye James Jumire Mawanda, Ag. Deputy Registrar Contact:0776482436 |
Mbale | Mbale District Local Government | Government Institutions | Mbale | Busooba | Administration of estates, land, GBV, Child related cases, sexual and reproductive health rights. | Partner to conduct civic education, resolve disputes through mediation, referals of cases. | Ms. Nekesa Harriet, the District Probation and Social Welfare officer. |
Mbale | Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions- Sironko | Government Institutions | Mbale district & Mbale City | Mbale City behind Mbale High Court Building | Criminal justice | Referal of cases, legal representation for inmates, civic education | Mr. Aliwali Kizito, the Resident Chief State Attorney. Contact: 0782482884 |
Mbale | Uganda Government Prison- Mbale | Government Institutions | Mbale | Malukhu cell, Mbale City. | Criminal justice | Referal of cases, legal representation for inmates, civic education | |
Mbale | Uganda Police Force ( Mbale Central Police Station) | Government Institutions | Mbale | Republic Road, Mbale City. | Criminal justice, juvenile justice, land, administration of estates, GBV | Community policing (conduct sensitizations) | ASP Ziiwa Musa Kazibwe , O/C CID : Contact:0703218099, Deputy O/C CID D/IP Sande Milton |
Mbale | Uganda Police Force- Sironko | Government Institutions | Sironko | Sironko towm along Mbale- Moroto road | Criminal justice, juvenile justice, land, administration of estates, GBV | Community policing (conduct sensitizations) | ASP Mujukye Richard O/C CID Sironko. Contact:0782136390 |
Mbale | Uganda Police Force -Budaka | Government Institutions | Budaka | Budaka town along Mbale Tirinyi Road. | Criminal justice, juvenile justice, land, administration of estates, GBV | Community policing (conduct sensitizations) | ASP. Nabunya Contact: 0780354399 |
Mbale | Budaka District Local Government | Government Institutions | Budaka | Budaka town along Mbale Tirinyi Road. | Administration of estates, land, GBV | Partner to conduct civic education, resolve disputes through mediation, referals of cases. | |
Mbale | Uganda government Prison -Budaka | Government Institutions | Budaka | Budaka Town. | Criminal justice | Referal of cases, legal representation for inmates, civic education | |
Mbale | Chief Magistrate's Court- Budaka | Government Institutions | Budaka | Budaka town | Land, administration of estates, SGBV | Referal of cases for Mediation, civic education especially local council Courts | H/W Komaketch Kenneth, Magistrate Grade 1 . Contact 0751711827 |
Mbale | Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions- Budaka | Government Institutions | Budaka | Budaka town. | Criminal justice | Referal of cases, legal representation for inmates, civic education | Ms. Joan A. Mucunguzi Resident State Attorney Contact: |
Mbale | Women with a Mission | Women's rights organisations | Mbale | Ms. Betty | |||
Mbale | Child Fund | ||||||
Hoima | Deputy Chief Administrative Officer(CAO) | Government Institutions | Hoima | Hoima district Local Government | Sensitizations | Refferals | Hannington Kiiza-0772590278 |
Hoima | Chief Administrative Officer(CAO) | Government Institutions | Hoima | Hoima district Local Government | Sensitizations | Refferals | Rukwago Martu Anthony Byenume Fredrick-0772495189 |
Hoima | Community Service Officer-Hoima | Government Institutions | Hoima | Judiciary | Criminal Justice | PDP Activituies, state briefs | Kabuleeta John-0785163109 |
Hoima | LC V Chairperson | Government Institutions | Hoima | Hoima district Local Government | Sensitizations | Refferals and donor support | Kadiri Kirungi 0782508990 |
Hoima | City Mayor | Government Institutions | Hoima | Hoima district Local Government | Sensitizations | Refferals and donor support | #ERROR! |
Hoima | Resident State Attorney | Government Institutions | Hoima | DPP | Criminal Justice | Criminal justice | Namazzi Racheal-0782153576 |
Hoima | Resident City Commissioner | Government Institutions | Hoima | Hoima City | All | Refferals, Land justice and others | Kisembo Araaali-0782584354 |
Hoima | Refugee Law Project | Government Institutions | Hoima | Hoima City | Refugee justiceOffer free legal aid services to refugees Offer psychosocial services. Promote knowledge of refugee law among legal professionals. | Refugee Justice | Legal Officer-Dorothy Mushabe-0776334289 Website:lpd@refugeelawproject.org |
Hoima | United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees(UNHCR) | United Nations | Hoima | Hoima | Refugee justice | Refugee Justice | Tugaine Didan-0772710016 |
Hoima | American Refugee Committeee(ARC) | International Organisation | Hoima | Hoima | Refugee justice | sensitizations and legal representation | Nakanwaji Joseline-0773420857 |
Hoima | Hoima District Union for Disabilities | Government Institutions | Hoima | Hoima | Advocacy -Capacity building -Human Rights awareness -Economic empowerment | Referals and sensitizations | Programme Cordinator-Bigirweikya Gilbert-0782963021 Mob.+256 782 963 021 +246 700 139 453 Tel: +256 465 440 082 Email: bigirwagilbert@yahoo.com hoimahudip@yahoo.com |
Hoima | World Vision International | International Organisation | Hoima | Hoima | Legal Aid-Educational assistance -Response to child emergency in the community -child protection -Christian nurture and commitment. | Refferals | Kabogozza-0775080623 Moses-0772898130 |
Hoima | District Cordination Development Officer(DCDO) | Government Institutions | Hoima | Hoima district Local Government | All | sensitizations and legal representation | Ebong Keneth-0756647776 |
Hoima | Labour Officer | Government Institutions | Hoima | Hoima district Local Government | Employment | sensitizations and legal representation | Ayesiga Anthony-0774536025 |
Hoima | District Education Officer(DEO) | Government Institutions | Hoima | Hoima district Local Government | Outreach to students | sensitizations | Godfrey Seruwanja-07772480154 |
Hoima | Probation and Social Welfare Officer | Government Institutions | Hoima | Hoima district Local Government | Custody and Maintenance | sensitizations and legal representation | Isaac-0782166885 |
Hoima | Community Development Officer(DEO) | Government Institutions | Hoima | Hoima district Local Government | Sensitizations | Sensitizations | Kneth Ebong-0776467776 |
Hoima | RDC Kyankwanzi | Government Institutions | Hoima | Hoima | Land | Refferals | Kaboyo Maxwell-0774799790 |
Hoima | O/C Prisons | Government Institutions | Hoima | Prisons | Criminal Justice | Criminal justice | Damalie -0782380325 |
Hoima | Regional Police Commander(RPC) | Government Institutions | Hoima | Police | Criminal Justice | Criminal justice | Kateeba Apollo-07015377226 |
Hoima | District Police Commander(DPC) | Government Institutions | Hoima | Police | Criminal Justice | Criminal justice | Ongica Micheal-0772867353 |
Hoima | OC CID Regional Police | Government Institutions | Hoima | Police | Criminal Justice | Criminal justice | Waiswa Ayub-0772974496 |
Hoima | O/C Criminal Investigations Department(CID) | Government Institutions | Hoima | Police | Criminal Justice | Criminal justice | Isiko Ezra-0777111106 |
Hoima | O/C Child Family Protection Unit(CFPU) | Government Institutions | Hoima | Police | Criminal Justice | Criminal justice | Nampija-0782555612 |
Hoima | Navigators of Development Association(NAVODA) | Civil Society Organisation | Hoima | Hoima | Land | sensitizations and legal representation | ED-Tusingwire Benon-0774704014 |
Hoima | O/C Police | Government Institutions | Hoima | Police | Criminal Justice | Criminal justice | Ekiu-0782439300/0754862216 |
Hoima | Professional Standards Unit(PSU) | Government Institutions | Hoima | Police | Criminal Justice | Criminal justice | Turiyo Hannington-0779340433 |
Hoima | Compassion International (under Bunyoro Kitara Diocese) | Civil Society Organisation | Hoima | Hoima | Orphans & other vulnerable children | Education | Rev. Can. Samuel Kawuma 0776558383 |
Hoima | Uganda Society of Disabled Children | Hoima | Hoima | • Formal Education • Health • Psychosocial support • Vocational training • Child protection • Food security and nutrition | • Formal Education • Health • Psychosocial support • Vocational training • Child protection • Food security and nutrition | Albert Asiimwe 0782981286 | |
Hoima | Uganda Women Effort to Save Orphans (UWESO) | Hoima | Hoima | Prevent child labour. -Access to social services(education and health) -Raising awareness and advocacy -Strengthening livelihoods of vulnerable households and children -Building capacity and coordination of stakeholders to prevent child labour | Sensitizations | Ag. Projects Manager 0772907086/0704277934 | |
Hoima | Sight Savers international | Hoima | Hoima | Provide vocational training to the youth with disabilities -Provide start up kits for the youth after training. -offer support in terms of income generating activities to the families of the youth who are severely disabled.F41 | Project Coordinator Tel.0774 086 705 Email: hodabhoima@gmail.com Hoima town opposite the King’s palace. |
Hoima | Office of the Prime Minister (OPM) | Hoima | Hoima | incharge of interviewing asylum seekers who need to attain refugee status. - in charge of security in the refugee settlement. -oversees activities of NGO’s operating in the refugee settlements. | in charge of interviewing asylum seekers who need to attain refugee status. - in charge of security in the refugee settlement. -oversees activities of NGO’s operating in the refugee settlements. | Mob. 0772 899 519 Email: turyemma@yahoo.com |
Hoima | Chief Magistrate | Government Institutions | Hoima | Hoima Chief Magistrates Court | Ajiudication of cases | Legal representation | Worship George Ebong-0772333798 |
Hoima | Grade 1 Magistrate | Government Institutions | Hoima | Hoima Chief Magistrates Court | Ajiudication of cases | Legal representation | Worship Assimwe Esther-0772088550 |
Hoima | Grade 1 Magistrate | Government Institutions | Hoima | Hoima Chief Magistrates Court | Ajiudication of cases | Legal representation | WorshipWinnie.M. Jatiko-0782777202 |
Hoima | Action Africa Help (AAH) | Hoima | Hoima | Ninsiima Gideon 0773 290 674 gninsiima@actionafricahelp.org |
Hoima | African Centre for Treatment and Rehabilitation of Torture Victims, | Hoima | Hoima | Treatment and rehabilitation of torture victims | Legal representation | Chief Executive Officer. Mr. Nsubuga Samuel Herbert Block 39 plot 113, Owen Road (off Tufnell Drive Kamwokya, P.O Box 6108 Kampala-Uganda, Tel: +256 312 263918/620, Fax: +256 312 263919, Email: actv@actvuganda.org. | |
Hoima | Bunyoro Broadcasting Television | Media | Hoima | Hoima | Media | Sensitizations | Tumwesige Geofrey Journalist 0773 699 674 |
Hoima | Spice FM | Media | Hoima | Hoima | Media | Sensitizations | Tugume JohnBosco 0774 903 415 |
Hoima | Justice and Peace Commission(JPC) | Civil Society Organisation | Hoima | Hoima | Mediation | Refferals | Father Deogratius Rubagumya-0778050659 |
Hoima | Justice Centres Uganda-Hoima Branch | Government Institutions | Hoima | Kiryandondongo | Free Legal Aid services -Psychosocial support - General Human Rights awareness | Free Legal Aid services -Psychosocial support - General Human Rights awareness | Centre Manager Tiyo Jonathan-0782650445/0705775288. TEL:+256700500444 |
Hoima | Judiciary | Kiryandondongo | Kiryandondongo | Ajudication of cases | Ajudication of cases | Chief Magistrate-Ssejemba Deo Magistrate Grade I-H/W Byamugisha Derick 0785326848 |
Hoima | Office of The President | Kiryandondongo | Kiryandondongo | Land | Refferals | Peter.P. Debele 0752629850/0787807662 DISO Edward Brian Babishanga 0784253686 | |
Hoima | Uganda Police | Government Institutions | Kiryandondongo | Kiryandondongo | Criminal Justice | Criminal justice | DPC 0773126608/0752656865 tonnyodonga@gmail.com |
Hoima | OC CID CPS | Government Institutions | Kiryandondongo | Kiryandondongo | Criminal Justice | Criminal justice | OC CPS KiryandongoAbala Juventine 0772555424 |
Hoima | D/ASP Kiryandongo district | Government Institutions | Kiryandondongo | Kiryandondongo | Sensitizations annd refferrals | Mambo Kassim | |
Hoima | D/OC CID CPS | Government Institutions | Kiryandondongo | Kiryandondongo | Criminal Justice | Criminal justice | D/ASP Ajwanga Beatrice0774706598/0701537160 |
Hoima | OC CFPU CPS Kiryandongo | Government Institutions | Kiryandondongo | Kiryandondongo | Musinguzi Isaac 0771491717 | ||
Hoima | D/OC CFPU | Kiryandondongo | Kiryandondongo | IP Timbigamba Florence 0783156653 | |||
Hoima | OC Traffic Kiryandongo | Government Institutions | Kiryandondongo | Kiryandondongo | Criminal Justice | Criminal Justice | Molo Ambrose 0782072432 |
Hoima | OC Bweyale police station | Government Institutions | Kiryandondongo | Kiryandondongo | Criminal Justice | Criminal justice | ASP Bainomugisha Shaphone |
Hoima | Uganda prisons services | Government Institutions | Kiryandondongo | Kiryandondongo | Criminal Justice | Criminal Justice | Magambo Bashir0704465034 |
Hoima | Kiryandongo District Local Government Chairperson LCV | Government Institutions | Kiryandondongo | Kiryandondongo | Sensitizations and refferrals | Sensitizations annd refferrals | Ntairehoki Charlse 0772524813 |
Hoima | Kiryandongo District Local Government CAO | Kiryandondongo | Kiryandondongo | Ochengel Ismael 0772551353 | |||
Hoima | Kiryandongo District Local Government Principal Assistant CAO | Government Institutions | Kiryandondongo | Kiryandondongo | Sensitizations | Referrals | Dacan Denis 0782339114 |
Hoima | Kiryandongo District Local Government DCDO | Government Institutions | Kiryandondongo | Kiryandondongo | Sensitizations | Sensitizations annd refferrals | Dabanja Geofrey 0772355182 gdabanja@yahoo.com |
Hoima | Kiryandongo District Local Government Senior DCDO | Kiryandondongo | Kiryandondongo | Sensitizations | Odoch Thomas 0784819809/ 0701659645 |
Hoima | Labour Officer | Government Institutions | Kiryandondongo | Kiryandondongo | Employment | Refferals | Ocheng Vincent 0772376800 |
Hoima | District Health Officer(DHO) | Government Institutions | Kiryandondongo | Kiryandondongo | Health | Refferals | Dr. Mutyaba Imaam 0773556506 mutyabaimaam@gmail.com |
Hoima | Senior Probation and Social Welfare Officer | Government Institutions | Kiryandondongo | Kiryandondongo | Family and Children Affairs | Refferals | Businge David 0785185196 |
Hoima | Probation and Social Welfare Officer | Government Institutions | Kiryandondongo | Family and Children Affairs | Refferals | Nawesa Caroline 0784758228 carolinenawesa@gmail.com |
Hoima | Town Clerk, Kiryandongo Town Council | Government Institutions | Kiryandongo | Kiryandondongo | Refferals | Maanigamukama Reuben 0772622291 | |
Hoima | Station Manager, Kibanda Radio | Government Institutions | Kiryandondongo | Media | Babyesiza Henry 0774977922/0791997790 kibandafm@gmail.com babyesiza2007@gmail.com |
Hoima | The Refugee Law Project | Civil Society Organisation | Kiryandondongo | Kiryandondongo | Legal Aid | Legal representation | Charity 0776897120 |
Hoima | 9. Yelekeni Child and Family Programme | Civil Society Organisation | Kiryandondongo | Response to child sponsorship activities, Child protection and dialogue, | Legal representation | Imailuk Micheal Federation Programs Manager 0392002375 Ochero John Paul Program Officer 0772560399 |
Hoima | Kiryandondongo | ||||||
Hoima | Kiryandondongo | ||||||
Hoima | uganda police Buliisa DPC | Government Institutions | Bulisa | Buliisa | Criminal Justice | Criminal justice | Sp Twala Peter 0772351820/0702351820 |
Hoima | OC Station Buliisa CPS | Government Institutions | Bulisa | Buliisa | Criminal Justice | Criminal justice | Asp Niwankunda Johnson 0783174000 |
Hoima | Community Liasons Officer | Government Institutions | Bulisa | Buliisa | Criminal Justice | Criminal justice | Sgt Gwanoko Benard 0772875099 |
Hoima | Buliisa local government district chairperson | Government Institutions | Buliisa | Buliisa | Sensitizations | sensitization and refferals | Agaba Simon Kinene 0772516691 |
Hoima | CAO | Government Institutions | Buliisa | Buliisa | Sensitizations | employment | Nakityo Joanitah 0772592908 |
Hoima | DCDO | Government Institutions | Buliisa | Buliisa | Sensitizations | sensitization and reffarals | Barugahara Benard Atwooki 0772/0754372098 bbargahara@yahoo.com |
Hoima | Senior Probation and Social Welfare Officer | Government Institutions | Bulisa | Buliisa | Juvenile justice | sensitization and reffarals | 0772392438/0753687448 s katusabe @yahoo.com. |
Hoima | CDO Biiso | Government Institutions | buliisa | Buliisa | Sensitization and reffarals | Ndozereho Nicolas 07811320729 | |
Hoima | CDO Butyabwa | Government Institutions | Buliisa | Buliisa | Sensitizations | sensitization and reffarals | Mbabazi Faith 0775271395 |
Hoima | CDO Kihungya | Government Institutions | Bulisa | Buliisa | Sensitizations | sensitization and reffarals | katusabe lolince0776271577 |
Hoima | CDO Buliisa | Government Institutions | buliisa | Buliisa | Sensitizations | sensitization and reffarals | Bamuturaki Gerald 0773703598 |
Hoima | CDO Ngwedo | Government Institutions | Bulisa | Buliisa | Sensitizations | sensitization and reffarals | Tumusiime Godfrey 0788418842 |
Hoima | CDO Kigwera | Government Institutions | Bulisa | Buliisa | Sensitizations | sensitization and reffarals | katusabe Rogers 0775482979 |
Hoima | CDO Town Council | Government Institutions | Buliisa | Buliisa | Sensitizations | sensitization and reffarals | Ahura Robert 0785979991 |
Hoima | Principal head of human resource | Government Institutions | Buliisa | Buliisa | Sensitizations | employment | Agondwa Ronny Nickson 0783480957 |
Hoima | Buliisa initiative for rural developnment organisation (BURUDO) | Counselling & SHELTER | Ngwedo and Kigwero subcounties | Buliisa | Mediations and Sensitizations | Project management Access to justice | Onenchan Pauline 0772994527 |
Hoima | kakindo orphans care | Counselling & SHELTER | buliisa | Buliisa | Mediations and Sensitizations | Executive director | Kazimura Alice 0782306875 kakindo orphans@gmail.com. |
Hoima | Kakumiro district local government | Government Institutions | Kakumiro | Kakumiro | Sensitizations | sensitization and reffarals | DCDO kyesa Benard 0772563265 |
Hoima | Disrict chair person LC V | Government Institutions | Kakumiro | Kakumiro | Sensitizations | sensitization and reffarals | sentayi Joseph 0772331926 |
Hoima | vice chairperson-LC 5 | Government Institutions | Kakumiro | Kakumiro | Sensitizations | sensitization and reffarals | Grace Bataringaya 0775413584 |
Hoima | CAO | Government Institutions | Kakumiro | Kakumiro | Sensitizations | employment | Nsungwa peter Adyeeri 0772566539 |
Hoima | DHO | Government Institutions | Kakumiro | Kakumiro | Sensitizations | Healthy | Herbert Senteza 0772393917 |
Hoima | RDC Kakumiro | Government Institutions | Kakumiro | Kakumiro | Sensitizations | security , land justice, protection of peoples properties and peace | kikata daniel 0772610440 |
Hoima | sec to the RDC | Government Institutions | Kakumiro | Kakumiro | Sensitizations | Reports to RDC | Jenipher kunihira 077247825 |
Hoima | DISO Kakumiro | Government Institutions | Kakumiro | Kakumiro | Sensitizations | inteligence | Byaruhanga Edward 0772 519 171 |
Hoima | Deputy DISO | Government Institutions | Kakumiro | Kakumiro | Sensitizations | inteligence | David Kamanda 0783 491 960 |
Hoima | DPC Kakumiro | Government Institutions | Kakumiro | Kakumiro | Sensitizations | Criminal justice | Bwinza Twaha 0772 974 833/ 0701 537 379 |
Hoima | O.C station Kakumiro Cps | Government Institutions | Kakumiro | Kakumiro | Sensitizations | Criminal justice | Tumusiime Nelson 0772 684 190 |
Hoima | O.C CID Kakumiro Cps | Government Institutions | Kakumiro | Kakumiro | Sensitizations | Criminal justice | Nyaitera Allen 0783 856 036 / 0703 900 368 |
Hoima | CLO kakumiro | Government Institutions | Kakumiro | Kakumiro | Sensitizations | Criminal justice | Kugonza fred 0774 194 329 |
Hoima | KAGADI DISTRICT | Sensitizations | |||||
Hoima | DCDO | Government Institutions | Kagadi | Kagadi | Sensitizations | sensitization and referrals | Ngondwe P. Kiiza 0772 681 648 |
Hoima | CDO Burora | Government Institutions | Kagadi | Kagadi | Sensitizations | sensitization and referrals | Benon Nfitindinda 0772 322 3252 |
Hoima | CDO Rurete | Government Institutions | Kagadi | Kagadi | Sensitizations | sensitization and referrals | Tushabomwe Olivios 0780 414 202 |
Hoima | CDO - Mbaale | Government Institutions | Kagadi | Kagadi | Sensitizations | sensitization and referrals | kugonza Beatrice 0777 815 920 |
Hoima | CDO Kyakabadiima | Government Institutions | Kagadi | Kagadi | Sensitizations | sensitization and referrals | Sebaganda leonard 0784436778 |
Hoima | CDO Kiryanga | Government Institutions | Kagadi | kagadi | Sensitizations | sensitization and referrals | Tumwebaze Emmuale 0780482074 |
Hoima | CDO Ndaiga | Government Institutions | Kagadi | Kagadi | Sensitizations | sensitization and referrals | Katusabe Peter 0781507182 |
Hoima | CDO Kyanaisoke | Government Institutions | Kagadi | Kagadi | Sensitizations | sensitization and referrals | mugisa leonard 0787053613 |
Hoima | CDO Rugashari | Government Institutions | Kagadi | Kagadi | Sensitizations | sensitization and referrals | bizibu solomon 0782001384 |
Hoima | SCDO Muhooro T/C | Government Institutions | Kagadi | Kagadi | Sensitizations | sensitization and referrals | KUGONZA CHARLES 0772323019 |
Hoima | CDO Kagadi S/C | Government Institutions | Kagadi | Kagadi | Sensitizations | sensitization and referrals | birungi agatha christine 0781508838 |
Hoima | CDO Kyenzige | Government Institutions | Kagadi | Kagadi | Sensitizations | sensitization and referrals | nyamahunge betty 0772323426 |
Hoima | CDO Mbaale T/C | Government Institutions | Kagadi | Kagadi | Sensitizations | sensitization and referrals | Atugonza norah 0788303695 |
Hoima | CDO Bwikara | Government Institutions | Kagadi | Kagadi | Sensitizations | sensitization and referrals | kyaliisima ivone 0778137004 |
Hoima | CDOmpeefu | Government Institutions | Kagadi | kagadi | Sensitizations | sensitization and referrals | Baluku jonathan0782405963 |
Hoima | CDO P achwa | Government Institutions | Kagadi | Kagadi | Sensitizations | Sensitization and referrals | Kusemererwa evelyne 0785736046 |
Hoima | SCDO Kagadi T/C | Government Institutions | Kagadi | Kagadi | sensitization and referrals | Nabukenya rose 0782700213 | |
Hoima | CDO Kyaterekera | Government Institutions | kagadi | kagadi | sensitization and referrals | mugume raphal 0785534599 | |
Hoima | CDO Kabamba | Government Institutions | Kagadi | Kagadi | sensitization and referrals | tusiime glads 0772323367 | |
Hoima | CDO Muhooro S/C | Government Institutions | Kagadi | Kagadi | Sensitizations | sensitization and referrals | tulyagumanawe syliliveseter 0787664132 |
Hoima | CDO Mabaale Town council | Government Institutions | Kagadi | Kagadi | Sensitizations | sensitization and referrals | Atugonza norah 0788303695 |
Hoima | Secretary | Government Institutions | Kagadi | Kagadi | Sensitizations | Sensitization and referrals | Kunihira Rose 0788303695 |
Hoima | Probation and Social Welfare Officer | Government Institutions | Kagadi | Kagadi | sensitization and referrals | banakora steven 0774673157 | |
Hoima | Gender officer | Government Institutions | Kagadi | Kagadi | Sensitizations | Gender based violaence matters | Natukunda mary 0782553738 |
Hoima | Labour officer | Government Institutions | Kagadi | Kagadi | Employment matters | Employment | Katunwensi Kennedy 0779862747 |
Hoima | Uganda Police Force Masindi | Government Institutions | Masindi and all sub counties | Masindi Port Road. | Provide child and family protection to different juvenile offenders and community policing | Referrals and Follow up on different matters. | OC Child and Family Protection. Name:Agnes Okidi contact:0773404456/0752546389. Position:Investigating/OC CID Officer.Name.Tusiime Mary PositionCommunity Liason officer.Name:Mukasa Peter .Contact:0789373821 DPC |
Hoima | Uganda prisons services | Government Institutions | Masindi | Masindi Port Road next to LDC legal Aid clinic | Provide custodial services to offenders,rehabilitation and social reintergration. | Conducting outreaches and also help inmates either enter plea bargain agreements or apply for bail and sensitizimg them on their rights while in custody. | Ssambya Festo (DPC) at 0782808576,Mugasha Felix(OC) at 0779615841 |
Hoima | CODECA Communitry Development Conservation Agency | Civil Society Organisation | Masindi | Masindi Post Bank building | Sensitizing communities on child related interests,advocating for the rights of children and against child labour | Advocating for children rights, and sensitizing communities on child related interests. | Patrick Mwesigwa at 0772939761 |
Hoima | Ministry of Gender,Labour and Social Development:Masindi District Local Government Gender,Labour,community based services, welfare and probation office | Government Institutions | Masindi and all sub counties | Masindi District headquarters | Provide social welfare services for children,elderly,youth and the vulnerable such as women suffering in domestic violence and cordination of community services,support supervision to child related CBOs | Sensitizing on women's rights and the children . | Businge Clare Wamala at 0772826096 |
Hoima | Legal Aid Project of Uganda Law Society | Legal Aid Project of Uganda Law Society | Masindi | Masindi Kijungu | Legal Aid services to the poor and vulnerable individuals | Referals and sensitizations | Kabigumira Innocent at 0779904492 |
Hoima | Judiciary | Government Institutions | Masindi | Masindi High Court | Delivering justice to all through a transparent justice system | Referals to JCU from the judiciary and follow up on matters. | His Lordship Jessy Byaruhanga at 0465421060/0772419806 and the Chief Magistrate His worship Sejemba Deo |
Hoima | Director of Public Prosecutions | Government Institutions | Masindi | Masindi along Masindi Port Road | Guiding police investigations,sanctioning of files,consenting to withdrawal of cases | Criminal justice | Miss Elima Doreen (RSA) at 0794332336 |
Hoima | Legal Aid Clinic of Law Development Centre | Government Institutions | Masindi | Masindi town along port road next to RDC'S offices | Represent clients charged with petty offences,mediation outreaches to communities to raise legal awareness | Referrals and follow up on matters | Herbert Walusimbi at 0700778955 and walusimbiherbert5@gmail.com |
Hoima | Community Driven Network | Civil Society Organisation | Masindi | Masindi town along port road next to RDC'S offices | overseeing the activities of all NGOS operating in Masindi | Referals | Edward at 07825576679 |
Hoima | Masindi Local government | Government Institutions | Masindi | Masindi town | Overseeing all the activities of offices operating under Masindi local governmrnt | Referals and organising sensitization of the people in masindi | Nkuruzinza Banga Geofrey(CAO) at 07845585237,Byaruhanga Cosmas(LCV) at 0772417137,Magambo judith probation and s |
Hoima | Office of the Resident District Commissioner | Government Institutions | Masindi | Masindi town | Land | Referals | Kirabira Rose Kobusinge(RDC) at 0772981574 ,Tibasiimwa Dominic (D/RDC) at 0772824439 |
Hoima | Justice for Children | Government Institutions | Masindi,Hoima and Kiryandongo | Masindi High Court building | Advocacy for children rights ,resettlement of children | Referals and sensization | Linda Arombo(Regional Cordinator) at 0774613774 |
Hoima | CDO-Mabaale Town Council | Government Institutions | Kagadi | Mabaale Town Council | Augonza Norah-0788303695 | ||
Hoima | CDO-Kyakabadiima | Government Institutions | Kagadi | Kagadi | Ssebaganda Leonard-0784436778 | ||
Hoima | District Health Officer(DHO) | Government Institutions | Kagadi | Kagadi | Health | Refrrrals | Dr. Olowo James -0772574279 |
Hoima | District chairperso LC 5 | Government Institutions | Kagadi | Kagadi | sensitization and referrals | sensitization and referrals | Nfashingabo Byaruhanga Stephene 0772 580 543 |
Hoima | chief adminstrative officer | Government Institutions | Kagadi | Kagadi | sensitization and referrals | employment | Ndifuna Mathias 0774 395 394 |
Hoima | Deputy CAO | Government Institutions | kagadi | Kagadi | sensitization and referrals | sensitization and referrals | Balemzi Fred 0772 477 060 |
Hoima | DEO | Government Institutions | kagadi | Kagadi | Education | Sensitizations | Bukenya Bathromio 0772 592 671 |
Hoima | Assistant DEO | Government Institutions | kagadi | Kagadi | Education | Sensitizations | Beatrice Mbabazi 0772 644 061 |
Hoima | Eduction officer incarge of special needs | Government Institutions | kagadi | Kagadi | Education | Sensitizations | Twinomujuni F.K 0772 932 265 |
Hoima | Inspecter of schools Buyaga west | Government Institutions | kagadi | Kagadi | Education | Sensitizations | Tumwebaze Matia 0782 314 145 |
Hoima | Inspecter of schools Buyaga east | Government Institutions | kagad8 | Kagadi | Education | Sensitizations | Tukamuhabwa Gerald 0773 758 931 |
Hoima | Sports officer | Government Institutions | kagadi | Kagadi | Sensitizations | Mugume John 0781 396 291 | |
Hoima | District inspecter of schools | Government Institutions | kagadi | Kagadi | Education | Alinda Julius 0782 476 909 | |
Hoima | DHO | Government Institutions | kagadi | Kagadi | Health | Sensitizations | Dr. Olowo James -0772574279 |
Hoima | Assistant DHO | Government Institutions | kagadi | Kagadi | Health | Sensitizations | Kajumba 0772 315 374 |
Hoima | District health inspecter | Government Institutions | kagadi | Kagadi | Health | Healthy | 0772 688 794 Muganyizi Godfery |
Hoima | HIV Forcal person | Government Institutions | kagadi | Kagadi | Health | Sensitizations | Kefa 0782 964 947 |
Hoima | District health servilence officer | Government Institutions | kagadi | Kagadi | Health | Sensitizations | Baligi Paul 0786 331 764 |
Hoima | District health educater | Government Institutions | kagadi | Kagadi | Sensitizations | Healthy | Tumwebaze Justine 0782 950 954 |
Hoima | RDC | Government Institutions | kagadi | Kagadi | Security | security , land justice, protection of peoples properties and peace | Luterelawo Lillian 0414 666 977 / 0772 084 265 |
Hoima | DISO | Government Institutions | kagadi | Kagadi | inteligence | Adam Kamindi Yebaza 0782 301 225 | |
Hoima | DPC | Government Institutions | kagadi | Kagadi | Security | Criminal justice | Kamal Stephen 0773 414 916 |
Hoima | District Probation Officer | Government Institutions | kagadi | Kagadi | Family and Children Affairs | referals | Mugume Rafail 0785 534 599 |
Hoima | World Voices | Civil Society Organisation | kagadi | Kagadi | General population affairs | referals | Executive Director. Benda Gerald 0772 676 028 / 0792 961 664 |
Hoima | Senior Probation Officef | Government Institutions | kagadi | Kagadi | Family and Children Affairs | referrals | |
Lira | Reproductive Health Uganda | Sexual & Reproductive Health | Lira | Main street obote avenue Lira city East | health, counselling | manager | |
Lira | TASO Uganda | Sexual & Reproductive Health | Lira | Senior Quarters-Lira | HIV/AIDS Prevention & Support | health, counselling | manager |
Lira | Human Rights Focus | Women's rights organisations | Gulu & Pader | Gulu Plot 1/3 Dr Moro Lane,Laroo, P.O BOX 970 Gulu | Human rights | Human rights | Adyero Caroline Jean, 0794432259,0780717350 |
Lira | CCVS(Centre for Children in Vulnerable Situations) | Counselling & SHELTER | Lira | plot 23,Otim Tom road,junior quarters B,Lira,P.O BOX 1026 Lira | Child rights | counselling | Akadu Rebecca Rachel, Mental health counsellor 0779511533 |
Lira | The Apac Anti Corruption coalition-TAACC | GBV | Lango sub region | Apac ,P.O BOX 64 Apac | Anti-corruption, Governance & Accountability | Corruption, community/women's right empowermenet | Opwonya Tom superman Executive Director,Plot 11, Republic street, Apac town council,0772647107/0752647107 |
Lira | Legal Aid Project of the Uganda Law Society | Government Institutions | Acholi Sub region | Gulu | Human rights, legal aid, advocacy | Legal Aid services | Enen Ambrose, Legal officer, Gulu branch 0789856805 |
Lira | Legal Aid Clinic of the Law Development Centre-Lira clinic | Government Institutions | Lango | High Court Lira | Lango subregion | Legal service provision and referrals | Faisal Mulalira (Asst. Director- LDC Lira) 0774442514 |
Lira | Platform for Labour Action | Government Institutions | Lira | Opposite Regional prison Headquarters Lira | Lango subregion | Labour Disputes Resolution | Ogwal Andrew 0787432814 |
Lira | TPO Uganda/USAID | Women's rights organisations | Lira | Junior quarters opposite Adyel division | Peacebuilding, GBV, and economic empowerment. | Outreaches, Dialogues, Counselling & peacebuilding initiatives | Amony Gladys 0780904004 |
Lira | Action Aid Uganda Lira | Counselling & SHELTER | Lira | Community Based Services Offices, Lira DLG | Lamwaka Annet 0782691885 | ||
Lira | Solidarity Uganda (Human Rights Defender) | Women's rights organisations | Lira | Lira | Auma Tamali 0755545630 | ||
Lira | Women Peace Initiatives Uganda (Human Rights Defender) | Women's rights organisations | Lira | Ojwina division headquarters | Human rights, Women empowerment | Human rights, advocacy | Rashida Adong Oketcha |
Lira | Facilitation for Peace and Development | GBV | Lira | Lira | Acot Grace | ||
Lira | (FAPAD) | ||||||
Lira | AYINET(African Youth Initiative Network) | GBV | Lira | African quarters, Lira City West division opposite Catholic cathedral Lira | Gender based violence, counselling | Diana Grace Akello 0788100931 Gender Coordinator | |
Lira | Uganda Human Rights Commission Lira Office | Government Institutions | Lira | African quarters, Lira City West division opposite Catholic cathedral Lira | Human Rights Protection & Promotion | Enforcement of Human Rights | Otim Anthony (Head UHRC- Lira) 0782872032 |
Lira | Lango cultural foundation | Government Institutions | Lira | Lango Cultural institution Lira senior quarters | Culture | Counselling, Mediation in customary disputes | Minister of cultural heritage lango cultural foundation Abal Patrick 0772593595 |
Lira | PLAN International | Child right's | Lira | senior quarters, Lira City East division, P.O Box Lira | WASH, Health, Education, Child protection, Gender transformation. | Counselling, community awareness on the protection of the right of a girl child. | Patrick Emukule (Program Area Manager) 0772344770 |
Lira | District Labour Office | Government Institutions | Lira | Lira city headquarters | Labour | Resolution of Labour disputes | District Labour Officer |
Lira | Probation and Social welfare officer | Government Institutions | Lango sub region | Lira city headquarters | Child welfare | Juvenile justice system | Olao Ronny (Probation & Welfare Officer) 0782699144 |
Lira | Child and Family Protection Unit(CFPU) | Government Institutions | Lira | Central police station Lira | Enforcement of human Rights abuse | District Police Commander Mr. Mugerwa Ben-0706834006/ OC CIID Lira Namukose Josephin,0777479289 | |
Lira | Courts | Government Institutions | Lira | Lira,Apac,Oyam,Kole,Dokolo,Otuke,Amolatar Courts | Litigation | Chief magistrates | |
Lira | Prisons | Government Institutions | Lira | Lira government prison,Anyeke prison,Kole prison,Loro prison,Otuke,Amolatar | Human Rights | O.C Prisons | |
Lira | the Uganda Association of Women Lawyers FIDA -Uganda | Women's rights organisations | Kampala | plot 100 Lutaya drive,Bukoto P.O BOX 2157 Kampala, Uganda | GBV | 256 414-530848 | |
Lira | Uganda Women's Network (UWONET) | Women's rights organisations | Lira | Plot 710 Bbuye Kigoowa, Mirembe Close, Ntinda. P.O Box 27991 Kampala | Women empowerment | GBV | Rita H. Aciro Lakor (Executive Director) 0414266539 |
Lira | Foundation for Integrated Rural Development (FIRD) | Human rights | Lira | Plot 24, Nubi Road, Junior Quarters, P.O Box 711, Lira | Economic empowerment & Human rights | Human Rights | Daniel Apitta (Project Coordinator) 0774211487 |
Lira | Centre for Women & Children's Reintegration | Women & Children's rights | Lango, Teso, Acoli | Ober-Kampala, Lira City West Division, Lira City. P.O Box 106 Lira. www.cewochr.org | Human Rights, Psychosocial support, Socio-economic empowerment, legal aid, research | Legal aid services, human rights awareness, joint advocacy | Elizabeth Alyano (Executive Director) 0772616448/ 0759616448 |
Mukono | International Justice Mission - IJM | Advocacy& Research | Mukono, Kayunga & Buikwe | Kampala | Legal Aid, Human Rights Awarenes Creation, Advocacy & Research | Patnerships in providing quality legal Aid | N/A |
Mukono | Life Line Development & Relief Uganda | OVC ( Orphans & Vulnerable Children) | Mukono, Kayunga & Buikwe | Kampala | Awareness Creation & Advocacy | Patnerships in advocating human rights | N/A |
Mukono | Transparency International | Government Institutions | Mukono, Kayunga & Buikwe | ||||
Mukono | Office Of the Director of Public Prosecutions | Government Institutions | Mukono, Kayunga & Buikwe | Mukono-opposite Chief Magistrates Court Mukono | Legal aid & prison decogestion program (PDC) | Patnerships in providing quality legal Aid | MS. Naluzze Aisha |
Mukono | Uganda Police Force | Government Institutions | Mukono , Kayunga & Buikwe | Mukono , Kayunga & Buikwe | Legal Aid, Human Rights Awarenes Creation, Advocacy & Research | Patnerships in providing quality legal Aid | DPC-Mukono |
Mukono | Judiciary Of Uganda | Government Institutions | Mukono,Kayunga& Buikwe | Kampala | Awareness Creation, Referral network & Legal Aid | Advocacy, Awareness Creation, Referral network & Legal Aid | |
Mukono | LASPNET | Legal Aid | Mukono. Kayunga & Buikwe | Kampala | Advocacy & Legal Aid | Advocacy & Collective lobying for increased government support to Legal Aid. | Sylvia Namubiru |
Mukono | Uganda Prisons | Government Institutions | Mukono, Buikwe & Lugazi | Kauga- Mukono opp Mukono District Headquarters, Ngowe-Buikwe, Lugazi Government Prison, | Legal Aid, Human Rights Awarenes Creation, Advocacy & Research | Advocacy & Collective lobying for increased government support to Legal Aid. | Nakisunga Prison-Muwaya Hussan-0782601578. Lugazi Prison-Rosemary Jeke-0778693353 Buikwe Prison-ASP Amoronge-0774018291 Busaana Prison -Awori Mariam-0704846227 |
Mukono | UGANET (Uganda Network on Law Ethics and Hiv & Aids | Legal Aid | Mukono & Buikwe | Kampala | Legal Aid, Human Rights Awarenes Creation, Advocacy & Research | Patnerships in providing legal aid, counselling and shelter | Nabbosa Caroline-0759437639 |
Mukono | Probation Office | Government Institutions | Mukono | Mukono- Distrct Headquartes | Legal Aid, Human Rights Awarenes Creation, Advocacy & Research | Patnerships in providing counselling and shelter | Ntege James, 0772998031 |
Mukono | Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) | Government Institutions | Mukono | Mukono- Distrct Headquartes | Awarenes Creation & Advocacy | Awarenes Creation & Advocacy | Nkata.B. James |
Mukono | Resident Distrct Commissioner (RDC) | Government Institutions | Mukono, Buikwe & Kayunga | Mukono- Distrct Headquartes | Awarenes Creation, Advocacy & Research | Awarenes Creation, Advocacy & Research | N/A |
Mukono | FIDA Uganda | Women's rights organisations | Kampala | Kampala | Advocacy, research & Legal Aid | 0800 1 115 11 – Toll free | |
Mukono | Pepperdine University | Advocacy& Research | Kampala | Kampala | Advocacy & Research | Patnerships in providing quality legal Aid | N/A |
Kasese | Uganda Police Force | Government Institutions | Kasese | Rwenzori Road | Law and Order | Referaal, Legal awanreses | RPC SP ASIIMWE -0701990444 |
Kasese | Uganda Human Rights Commission, Field Office | Government Institutions | Kasese | Plot 22, Kilembe road. Kasese Municipality | Promotion and protection of Human Rights: Response to Human rights violations by Government Agencies and Individuals | Referrals, Civic education, Monitoring of detention and health facilities. | NABASINGA VERONICA- 0702921424- Human Rights Officer. |
Kasese | RDC | Government Institutions | Kasese | RDC Building | Referrals, Civic education, over sight of government programmes | LT .JOE Walusimbi -0752611204 | |
Kasese | NOWUDU | NGO | Kasese | PLOT 2015, KISASI ROAD BOX 24891 | Advocacy, human rights, gender emppwerment, SRHR, Disability literacy | Linkanges, referrals, civc education | Mbambu Deborah -0779885367 mbambudeborah@yahoo.com |
Kasese | UGANET | NGO | Kasese | PLOT 22, Off Kilembe road. Kasese Municipality | Human rights , SRHR, VAWG. HIV and legal services | Referall, case management, community awareness and dialogues | kobzannete@yahoo.com |
Kasese | UWONET | NGO | Kasese | RWAKINGI, opposite WWF offices | Advocacy, human rights, gender emppwerment, SRHR, | linkanges, referrals, civc education | BIIRA WINNIE 0705281553 biirawinnie@gmail.com |
Kasese | KASESE DISTRICT LOCAL GOVERNMENT | Government Institutions | Kasese | BOX 250 KASESE, RUKOKI | supervision and coorrdination | ASIIMWE QUEENGONDA-SENOIR COMMUNTY DEVELOPMENT OFFICER-GENDER OFFICER-www.kasese.go.ug | |
Kasese | JUDICIARY | Government Institutions | Kasese | Box 7085 Kampala | Administration of justice | mediations | OKUMU JUDE-CHIEF MAGISTRATE-0781495510 |
Kasese | UGANDA PRISONS | Government Institutions | Kasese | Custody of prisoners | PDP | SSP Kumakech Godfred -0776939171 | |
Kasese | UGANDA WILD LIFE AUTHORITY | Government Institutions | Kasese | UWA hqtrs BUKOTO | CONSERVATION | Legal Awareness | Bushendick Patrick-0782163844 |
Kasese | KASESE YOUTH LINK | NGO | Kasese | Civil educuation, infortainment | legal Awareness | KATO RONALD- 0786096480 | |
Kasese | ACCORD | NGO | Kasese | PLOT 1272 NSAMBYA, BOX 280 | PREVENTION AND CHANGE OF SOCIAL NORMS | Refferals, civil education | JOANITA ANEMO-0774088060 |
Kasese | DPP | Government Institutions | Kasese | RUKOKI | PROSECUTION | REFERRALS | OUNDO GODFREY-RSA 0774562335 |
Kasese | CENTRE FOR GENDER EQUALITY (CEGE) | COMMUNITY BASED ORGANISATION | Kasese | KAMAIBA /KITESO | human rights , SRHR, VAWG. LEADERSHIP, Economic empowerment | Documtaion, skills development, advocacy | MBAMBUJOLLY- MUHYANA-0783906253 |
Kasese | RURAL FOCUS INITIATIVE | NGO | Kasese | MALISERI ROAS, KASESE | ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT, HUMAN RIGHTS, CHILD PROTECTION | advocacy, skills develoepment, capacity development | MATSITSI YONAH-072613733 |
Kasese | INTER-RELIGIOUS COUNCIL-KASESE BRANCH | CIVIL SOCIETY | Kasese | Anglicn cathedral kasese | Peace building, spiritual growth | Referrral | REV . Ezra Mukonzo Yongeza- 0772467785 |
Kasese | RWENZORI PEACE BRIDGE | NGO | Kasese | Rwenzori Road | Legal awareness, mediation | mediations, referrals | NDUNGU NELSON SANDE-0772481997 |
Kasese | KASESE GUIDE RADIO | PRIVATE COMPANY | Kasese | PLOT 35 KIJONGO ROAD | MEDIA | refeerrals, legal awareness | BABRA KABANYORO-0774422170 |
Kasese | BUSONGORA KINGDOM | Cultural institution | countyrtywide | Ikamiro palace, Rukoki | Cultural heritage, awareness | Referral, Mediations, Legal Awareness | KING IMARA KASHAGAMA DAN-0789756487 |
Kasese | OBUSINGA BWA RWENZURURU | Cultural institution | countyrtywide | Alexander Street. Kasese | cultural heritage, awareness | Referral, Mediations, Legal Awareness | HON. NAOME MBAMBU-GENDER MIN |
22 |
Call JCU for free legal advice
Mengo: 0800 100 225
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