Partners List - Justice Centres Uganda

Partners List

JCU officeName of OrganisationNature of Organisation District/s of OperationAddressThematic areasAreas of potential partnership Contact person & contact details
BundibugyoUganda Police ForceGovernment InstitutionsBundibugyoSssaza Road, Next to Bundibugyo District Local Government Head Quarters.Protection of life and property, prevention and dectection of crime, keeping law and orderPolice decongestion, Juvenile justice, land related matters, domestic violence, referralsAg. DPC ASP Koojo Innocent, Ag. OC Station Okello Okello 0770466371, OC-CID D/ASP Kwiringira Joshua 0778274926, In-charge SGBV desk Nabukenya Maria 0772961210, In-charge CFPU Kabafumu Faith 0774663321, CPL kafureka Godfrey 0777595008, SGT Peter Lwesabula 0781402084.
BundibugyoUganda Human Rights Commission, Field OfficeGovernment InstitutionsBundibugyoPlot 100, Fort Portal road. Bundibugyo Town CouncilPromotion and protection of Human Rights: Response to Human rights violations by Government Agencies and IndividualsReferrals and Civic education/ Outreaches.Janepher Namuyanja- 0782224355- Human Rights Officer. Kente Chrisitne- 0786132985- Human Rights Officer
BundibugyoACORDNon-Govermental OrganisationBundibugyo, Ntoroko, Kabarole, MbararaPlanning Unit, Bundibugyo Local Government Ssaza Street, Bundibugyo Town Council.GBVJoint Sensistizations in subcounties of Kisuba, Butama, Bubandi, Bukonzo, Ntandi Town council, referrals of GBV victims in need of shelters in Bubukwanga and Bukhonzo Sub county.
Fighting GBV against Women, Men ,girls and boys; Male involvement in the fight against GBV
Atukunda Christine Project Assistant 0702004056, Babiha Jenifer Project Assistant 0777143154.
BundibugyoPublic Interest Law Clinic-PILACLegal Aid service providerBundibugyoP.O.Box 1215 Mupalya road, Bundibugyo District.Legal Aid servicesJoint community sesintizations; Referrals.Tusubira Gracemark Lawyer, 0701815481
BundibugyoBundibugyo Associalation of Women Living with HIV/AIDs-BAWILHAWomen's rights organisationsBundibugyoP.O.Box 1221, Bundibugyo District. info@bawilha.orgGBVReferral of clients, communcity senstizations, psycosocial support for Women Living with HIVMbabazi Phiona Executive Director 0777644660
BundibugyoBundibugyo Associalation of Women Living with HIV/AIDs-BAWILHAWomen's rights organisationsBundibugyoP.O.Box 1221, Bundibugyo District. info@bawilha.orgPsychosocial support.Referral of clients, communcity senstizations, psycosocial support for Women Living with HIVMbabazi Phiona Executive Director 0777644660
BundibugyoBundibugyo Associalation of Women Living with HIV/AIDs-BAWILHAWomen's rights organisationsBundibugyoP.O.Box 1221, Bundibugyo District. info@bawilha.orgHIV cousellingReferral of clients, communcity senstizations, psycosocial support for Women Living with HIVMbabazi Phiona Executive Director 0777644660
BundibugyoBundibugyo Associalation of Women Living with HIV/AIDs-BAWILHAWomen's rights organisationsBundibugyoP.O.Box 1221, Bundibugyo District. info@bawilha.orgGBV careReferral of clients, communcity senstizations, psycosocial support for Women Living with HIVMbabazi Phiona Executive Director 0777644660
BundibugyoBundibugyo Associalation of Women Living with HIV/AIDs-BAWILHAWomen's rights organisationsBundibugyoP.O.Box 1221, Bundibugyo District. info@bawilha.orgCommunity sensitizationReferral of clients, communcity senstizations, psycosocial support for Women Living with HIVMbabazi Phiona Executive Director 0777644660
BundibugyoBundibugyo Associalation of Women Living with HIV/AIDs-BAWILHAWomen's rights organisationsBundibugyoP.O.Box 1221, Bundibugyo District. info@bawilha.orgCommunity sensitizationReferral of clients, communcity senstizations, psycosocial support for Women Living with HIVMbabazi Phiona Executive Director 0777644660
BundibugyoBundibugyo Associalation of Women Living with HIV/AIDs-BAWILHAWomen's rights organisationsBundibugyoP.O.Box 1221, Bundibugyo District. info@bawilha.orgCommunity sensitizationReferral of clients, communcity senstizations, psycosocial support for Women Living with HIVMbabazi Phiona Executive Director 0777644660
BundibugyoBundibugyo Associalation of Women Living with HIV/AIDs-BAWILHAWomen's rights organisationsBundibugyoP.O.Box 1221, Bundibugyo District. info@bawilha.orgCommunity sensitizationReferral of clients, communcity senstizations, psycosocial support for Women Living with HIVMbabazi Phiona Executive Director 0777644660
BundibugyoBundibugyo Associalation of Women Living with HIV/AIDs-BAWILHAWomen's rights organisationsBundibugyoP.O.Box 1221, Bundibugyo District. info@bawilha.orgCommunity sensitizationReferral of clients, communcity senstizations, psycosocial support for Women Living with HIVMbabazi Phiona Executive Director 0777644660
BundibugyoProbation and Social Welfare OffcierGovernment InstitutionsBundibugyoBundbibugyo District Local Government P.O.Box 466Child protection, Juvenile justice, family mediations, GBV, Psycosocial counselling.Legal support in child protection, family mediations, Senstizations and Referrals.Adong Pamela PSWO 0782810739
BundibugyoProbation and Social Welfare OffcierGovernment InstitutionsBundibugyoBundbibugyo District Local Government P.O.Box 466Child protection, Juvenile justice, family mediations, GBV, Psycosocial counselling.Legal support in child protection, family mediations, Senstizations and Referrals.Adong Pamela PSWO 0782810739
BundibugyoProbation and Social Welfare OffcierGovernment InstitutionsBundibugyoBundbibugyo District Local Government P.O.Box 466Child protection, Juvenile justice, family mediations, GBV, Psycosocial counselling.Legal support in child protection, family mediations, Senstizations and Referrals.Adong Pamela PSWO 0782810739
BundibugyoProbation and Social Welfare OffcierGovernment InstitutionsBundibugyoBundbibugyo District Local Government P.O.Box 466Child protection, Juvenile justice, family mediations, GBV, Psycosocial counselling.Legal support in child protection, family mediations, Senstizations and Referrals.Adong Pamela PSWO 0782810739
BundibugyoResident District Commissioner-RDCGovernment InstitutionsBundibugyo DistirctSssaza Road, Next to Bundibugyo District Local Government Head Quarters.Over see governent programes, cordniate security.Referrals, Provision of Free radio talk shows.Mr. Asiimwe Amos RDC 0753383891; Mr. Umaru Muhanguzi Deputy RDC 0789558220,
BundibugyoForum for African Women Educationists Uganda Chapter- FAWEWomen's rights organisationsBundibugyo, Ntoroko, Kabarole.Community Based Services Depatament, Bundibugyo District Local Government.Child protection, enhancing girls and women eduaction for development, women empowerment. Joint Sensitization /community dialogues, Referrals. Management of GBV casesStephen Byamukama Program Assistant 0701323876, 0772318196, +256 392894901
BundibugyoUganda Network on Law Ethics and HIV/AIDs-UGANETNon-Govermental OrganisationBundibugyo, NtorokoKaija Building, Esco Road, Bundibugyo District.Violence against Women and Girls, Justice and legal litigation, legal advocacy, psycosocial support.Joint community sesntiszations, Stakeholders meetings, referral for clients in need of psycosocial support.Baguma Robert, Project Officer 0772812456
BundibugyoAction Group for Human Rights and HIV/AIDs-AGHASexual & Reproductive HealthBundibugyoP.O.Box 24667, Kampala, Kaija Building, Esco Road, Bundibugyo District.Advocacy and lobbyingAdvocacy and referrals for clients in need of legal assistance and psycosocial support.Joseph Ochwo 0774803583
BundibugyoBundibugyo District Association of the DeafNon-Govermental OrganisationBundibugyoBumadu Road near Works Department; Bundibugyo Town Council.Advocate for inclusion of People with disabilities into government and private sector programs; through capacity building.Refferrals, Sensitiztions to PWDs.Tibesigwa Herbert; Project Cordinator 0784336553
BundibugyoDistrict Community Development OfficeGovernment InstitutionsBundibugyo Bundibugyo Local Government building; Ssaza Street, Bundibugyo Town Council.Cordinate Community based services in the District, Registration of NGOs, Child Protection Case Management, Create awareness about SGBV, Cordinate all government programmes.Referrals, Mediations, Joint Community Outreach Programmes, Tracking GBV cases and data.Mugisa Simon; DCDO- 0782338310
TororoReproductive Health UgandaGovernment InstitutionsTororoP.O.BOXSexual and Reproductive HealthThrough outreaches at the health centres IVs in the sub countySilas Gogo Cluster Coordinator 0700390225
Tororo(Police)Child and Family Protection UnitGovernment InstitutionsTororoP.O.BOX 7, TororoSexual and Gender Based ViolenceReferral of domestic violence cases(Sexual and physical violence)Awori Christine 0785331953 Officer in Charge CFPU,tororo
TororoProbation and Social Welfare OfficeGovernment InstitutionsTororoP.O.BOXChild offenders.Counselling of child offenders and family members facing domestic violence, investigation and follow up by child offenders.Alamai Suzan 0772883723
TororoHuman Rights and Rehabilitation CentreGovernment InstitutionsTororoP.O.BOXDomestic violenceReferral of domestic violence cases especially those that have failed at mediation and are supposed to be taken for litigation.Ayo Juliet 032555666
TororoPACE(Program for Accessible Health, Communication and Education)Women's rights organisationsTororo6th Floor, BLOCK B,UAP Nakawa Business Park Plot 3-5 New Port Bell Road P.O.BOX 8082,KampalaSexual and Gender Based ViolenceJoint sensitization activities on sgbv in sub counties of operation, referrals from community on cases meant for mediation and litigation.Namuddu Elizabeth Project Officer Global fund(HIV) 0774532664
TororoUGANET(Uganda Network on Law Ethics and HIV/AIDSWomen's rights organisationsTororoSexual and Gender Based ViolenceJoint sensitization activities on sgbv in sub counties of operation, referrals from community on cases meant for mediation and litigation.Julius Oburu 0773663915
TororoTororo Community of Women Living with HIV Advocates(TOCWLA)Women's rights organisationsTororoDomestic violenceSensitization of women living with HIV/AIDS of their rightsAyo Proscovia District Coordinator 0775169942
TororoLandnet( Land Network)NGOTororoP.O.BOXLand conflictsCapacity building of community based volunteers, joint sensitization activities and referral of cases especially land disputes with women as victims.Bernadette Bakidde 0704018497
TororoInternational Justice Mission(IJM)GBVTororoP.O.BOXGender Based ViolenceJointly watching brief and guiding victims of defilement/rape in court.Ensuring that the victims of Gbv get adequate treatment from a qualified medical personnel.Stella Rose Atunyo 0772346399
TororoUWONET( Uganda Women Network)Women's rights organisationsTororoBlock 216, Mirembe Close, 710 Kalinabiri Road, Kampala.Empowerment of womenJoint sensitization activities for womenNyasenya Eva 0777411418
TororoMIFUMIWomen's rights organisationsTororoPlot 1 Masaba Road P.O.BOX 274, Tororo UgandaGender Based ViolenceReferral of GBV cases that require court action and have failed at mediation.Francis Olaboro 0774083731
TororoDirector of Public Prosecutions(Resident state Attorney)Government InstitutionsTororoP.O.BOXGender based violence casesFollow up of GBV cases to ensure that all evidence from police has been submitted and on file. Follow up to ensure sanctions in cases of sufficient evidenceNamara Amina Resident State Attorney, Tororo 0772580966
TororoNAWOU(The National Association of Women Organisations in Uganda)Women's rights organisationsTororoP.O.BOX 1663, Kampala-Hoima, Kampala.Gender based violenceJoint activities in the field from interviewing victims/survivors,Nabwire Pauline 0773221272
TororoNOWUDU (National Union of Women with Disabilities of Uganda)GBVTororoPlot 2015 Kisaasi, Kyanja Rd. KampalaGender Based Violance in relation to PWDsPretty Nalubega 0777032315
TororoACORDMale InvolvementTororoPlot 33A, Osukuru Road, Senior QuartersCombating GBV and promoting SRHR through the use of Male Action Groups (MAGs)Sensitisation of communities using these MAGsElly Turuho 0783105701
TororoDistrict Community Development OfficerGovernment InstitutionsTororoVincent Oguti 0772555391
TororoChild's I FoundationWomen's rights organisationsTororoResettlementResettlementShaggy 0776110321
TororoWorld VisionNGOTororo, Butaleja and BusiaPlot 15B Nakasero Road, Kampala Development,poverty reduction and advocacy Joint Sensitisations and outreaches to women PWDs, and children in schools Offering psychosocial support to SGBV survivorsJoseph Ecidu 0772332875
TororoMarie Stopes UgandaSexual & Reproductive HealthTororoPlot 12 Hyena Drive TororoSRHR and community sensitisationsLwanyaga Paul 0788660326/0759004045
TororoReproductive Health UgandaGovernment InstitutionsTororoReproductive health rightsReferral and outreaches.Silas Gogo Cluster coordinator, 0700390225
TororoMIFUMIWomen's rights organisationsTororoPlot 1 Masaba Road P.O.BOX 274, Tororo Ugandaadvocacy in respect to access to justice and referrals.ReferralsAsio Joyce Francis Olaboro 0774083731
TororoWorldVisionNGOTororo, Busia and ButalejaPlot 15B Nakasero Road, Kampala Development,poverty reduction and advocacy Through conducting outreachesJoseph Ecidu 0772332875
Tororochild and family protection UnitGovernment InstitutionsTororodeal with family related issuesReferralsOc Awori Christine 0785331953.
TororoLegal Aid-Uganda Law SocietyGovernment InstitutionsSorotigeneral legal aid services.Referrals
TororoDistrict Labour officerGovernment InstitutionsTororolabour/employement related casesreferralsJerome Onyango 0777917088
TororoUganda Human Rights OrganisationGovernment InstitutionsTororo
TororoMoslem Centre for Justice and Service.Women's rights organisationsBugirireferrals
TororoFIDAWomen's rights organisationsMbalecivil and family mattersreferralsMonica 0773151149
TororoUganda Police forceGovernment InstitutionsTororoinvistigations and arrestsReferral, police outreaches.DPC Chebene Rogers0752159770. OCCID Namono Gift. 0701553222
TororoDirector of public prosecution office. RSA.Government InstitutionsTororoProsecuting criminal charges.Through referrals and PDP.Namara Amina 0772580966.
TororoUGANETGBVTororoAdvocacy in respect to access to justice , HR and strengthening of policy.Through refferal and otreaches.Julius Oburu 0773663915
TororoHuman Rights and Rehabilitation CentreNGOTororohandle HRs related issuesReferral and outreaches.Ayo Juliet 0704075051
TororoCOMPASSION InternationalNGOButalejachild advocacy ministryReferral and outreaches.
TororoJudiciaryGovernment InstitutionsTororo, Butaleja , Bubulo and Busia.Hearing cases both criminal and civil.Referral, Mediations, PDP and litigation.HW Mulondo Mastula 0779158066
TororoUganda Human Rights commission.Government InstitutionsJinjahandle HR related issuesReferrals and outreaches774267572
TororoPlatform for Labour Action.NGOTororo, Iganga and Busia.labour related issuesReferral and outreaches.
TororoParalegal Advisory services.NGOBusiaHandling civil casesReferrals.
TororoLAPSNETNGOKampalaprovide legal aid servicesReferrals, advocacy and outreaches.0800100155 Toll free line.
TororoPACENGOTororoP.O.Box 28643 Kampala Uganda.mentor and empower girl childand create awereness on HIV.Outreaches and referrals.703353562/0703353567.Betreace Acheng Nas. Executive director.or Namuddu Elizabeth Tororo 0774532664
TororoUganda prisons.Government InstitutionsTororo,Butaleja,Busia and BubuloOutreaches and referrals.OC prisons Busia 0705180027 Alexander. OC prison Morukatipe 0782870332
MubendeDistirct Probation and Social Welfare / Fort Portal Remand HomeGovernment InstitutionsMubende, Kyegegwa, Mubende District Local Government Headquarters, KaweeriJuvenile JusticeReferral of Clients and Legal Representation of ClientsNagawa Mariam District ProbationOfficer 0772592586
MubendeAction Aid Uganda MubendeCounselling & SHELTERMubende, KasandaMubende Municipality, West Division, Along Kasenyi Church Road.SGBV, Women'sShelterReferal of Clients and Cross referalTusiime Catherine Program Officer - Mubende 0392767740 / 0776990100
MubendeJustice Defenders formerly African Prison's ProjectPrisoners RightsMubende, Mityana, Kassanda, Kakumiro, Kibaale.Justice Degenders Mubende, Office of the Uganda Prisons Service, Wamala Regional Office, Lubanga Road.Criminal JusticeWe liaise on identifying Prisoners for PDP, and on Sensitising Prisoners and the Public about Criminal Proceedure, and the Rights of PrisonersVivian Ainomugisha 0789314373
Fort PortalSave the ChildrenNGO/Civil Society OrganisationWestern regional OfficePlot 12, Nyaika Avenue, Boma West Division, P.O Box 576, Fort Portal. Child protection, child rights governance, education, health and nutrition, youth and livehoods, child poverty and refugeeresponseReferrals in enforcing child protection rights. Refer clients with child protection needs.Martin Obwoya 0393000221
Fort PortalBaylor College of Medicine Children's Foundation -UgandaNGO/Civil Society OrganisationRwenzori regional OfficePlot 34, Kakiiza Road, Boma, Fort Portal.Reproductive health. HIV and AIDSRefer Cleints with health problems, family planning etc
Fort PortalForum for African Women Educationalists Uganda ( FAWEU)NGO/Civil Society OrganisationFort Portal Regional OfficePlot 19 A1, Government Road Boma West Fortal Portal. P.O Box 24117, Kampala Uganda. Tel 0788812725Women's rights, protecting girs from early marriages.Refer cases of child marriages, vulnerable women in need of skills Jackie 0701852824
Fort PortalUganda Red Cross, Society NGO/Civil Society OrganisationKabarole BrachPlot 19 Mary Hall Road, P.O Box 826 FortPortal Disaster, blood donationsReport incidents of calmity
Fort PortalJoint Clinic Research Centre (JCRC)OrganisationFort Portal Regional OfficeBuhinga HospitalMedical research
Fort PortalEngabuza Tooro -Tooro YouthNGO/Civil Society OrganisationFort Portal - UgandaPlot 18 Kaija Road, Kabundaire, P.O Box 886. Tel 0483422187/ 0772469751Youth empowerment through imparting skills, educational servicesRefer young people who need skill development, scholarships
Fort PortalReproduction Health UgandaNGO/CBOFort Portal ClinicPlot 2ABoma Opposte Toro Club, P.O Box 458 Fort Portal.Health issiues, family planning, counselling, labarotory servicesRefer Cleints with health problems, family planning etcPrudens 0700390215/0771658978
Fort PortalRwenzori Anti -Corruption Coalition (RAC)NGO/Civil Society OrganisationFort PortalP.O Box 185 Fort Portal, Rwenzori Road. Tel 0800110066Law and governance, eradicating corruption, accountabiityRefer incidents of corruption, partner in monitoring government institutions to ensure accountability. Partner in legal senstizations.Angella Byangwa 0782360325/0772558363
Fort PortalInspectorate of GovernmentGovernment InstitutionFort Portal Regional OfficePlot1A, Mugurusi Road, P.O Box 157 Fort Portal.Investigate abuse of officeand corruption by public officersRefer issues of corruption by public officersTel 04834235316/ 04834250110
Fort PortalUganda Human Rights CommissionGovernment InstitutionFort Portal Regional OfficeP.O Box 960 Fort Portal,Fort Portal. Tel 04836423176Fulfill constitutional mandatetosafeguard and protect human rightsRefer issues of human rights abuse to the Human rights court.Crispus
Fort PortalLegal Aid Project of Uganda Law SocietyNGO/Civil Society OrganisationKabarole BrachP.O Box 831 Fort Portal Tel 0483427328enabling vulnerable persons access free legal servicesRefer clients whose disputes arise from areas out of JCU jurisdictionMuhumuza Sam
Fort PortalJustice for children UgandaGovernment ProjectFort Portal Regional OfficeHigh Court of Fort Portal- BomaChild protection.Partner in issues concerning child protectionKamuhuma Jennifer tel 0775788635
Fort PortalRwenzori Empowerment Programmes of transformation and actionNGO/Civil Society OrganisationRwebisengo Town Council in Ntorok District.Rwebisengo Town Council in Ntorok and governance, general health, skilling, nutrition, child protection, conflict management, counsellingRefer clients that fall under their mandate in Ntoroko districtLameck Kaitumba - Executive Director 0782918763
Fort PortalToro Development Network (ToroDev)NGO/Civil Society OrganisationFort portal cityNyaika Avenue BomaCommunity mobilzation activities and trainings for women and youth sustainabilityPartner in mattersof legal senstization especially on radioExecutive Director- David Kugonza 0774197155
Fort PortalRwenzori Forum for Peace and Justice (RFPJ)NGO/Civil Society OrganisationFort portal CityRwengoma along bundibujo roadPromoting human rights, building peace and preventing violenceReport incidents of violence especially such cases that require reconciliation772981866
Fort PortalJoint Effort to Save the Environment (JESE)NGO/Civil Society Organisationfort portal cityKitumba below DPP's officeSkilling in agriculture for farmersSupport JCU vulnerable clients benefit from skilling in agriculturePatrick Baguma 0772492109
Fort PortalToro Botanical Gardens (TBG)NGO/Civil Society OrganisationFort portal CityPlot 2-8 Njara Road Fort portalConducts scientific research, empowers women and youth through training in tree plantingreferral partner for skilling.Godfrey Ruyonga 0782673188
Fort PortalSustainable Agriculture Trainers Network (SATNET)NGO/Civil Society OrganisationFortportal CityP.O.Box 884 Fortportal UgandaSkilling in agriculture for farmers, natural resource managementSupport JCU vulnerable clients benefit from skilling in agricultureRev. Kitooke Micheal 0772894192
Fort PortalYouth Encouragement Services (YES)NGO/Civil Society OrganisationFort portal CityKakiza Road BomaSupports orphans and other vulnerable children, orphanage for children with HIV and AIDSRefer cases within their mandateDavid Tumwine 0774442592
Fort PortalAssociation of Rwenzori Community (RCA)NGO/Civil Society OrganisationKabaroleKarangula Sub-CountyCommunity empowerment in agriculture and enviroment conservation. Child protection and gender issuesTo refer issues of Community empowerment in agriculture and enviroment conservation. Child protection and genderAoron Byakutaaga 0772310468
Fort PortalKAANA foundationNGO/Civil Society OrganisationFort portal CityOpp. Kijaguzo Hotel Kabundaire MarketCounselling, youth and women empowerment, skilling, Human rights and governanceReferral partner for clients in need of free legal services. JCU refers cases that require counselling and skilling0772485840 Isagara Nyakaana
Fort PortalNatural Resources Defence Initiative(NRDI)NGO/Civil Society OrganisationFort portal CityButebe along Bundibugyo RoadNatural resource governance and advocacy. Enviromental restoration and conservationReffer clients within their mandateChristopher Amanyire 0782309910
Fort PortalKUYOGNGO/Civil Society OrganisationBunyangaboKyamukube Trading CentreSupport vulnerable children, education services and skilling in income generating projectsReffer clients within their mandatePeter Mutungi 0788891754
Fort PortalKitojo Intergrated Development Action (KIDA)NGO/Civil Society OrganisationKababroleRutete at Rwihamba trading centreGender based violence, counselling and skilllingReffer clients within their mandateRev. Ezra Musobozi
Fort PortalRIDIPNGO/Civil Society OrganisationkabaroleRuhenda, Kyamukube Trading Centre Mutumba Mobilizing scholarships for vulnerable children, skillingReffer clients within their mandateKalinguza MP William 0779352109
Fort PortalRwengoma HIV/AIDSNGOFort portalRwengoma behind Kahingi Primary SchoolCounselling services Child protectionReffer clients within their mandateMusana Christine 0712063059/0777281432
Fort PortalNyabusa Youth in action for behaviour Change (NYABIC)NGOKabaroleNyabusa ParishCounselling, health education, career guidance and family planningReffer clients within their mandateGeorge 0770425182
Fort PortalLegal Aid Clinic of LDCProject -LDCFort portal cityMunicipal Building, BomaLegal AidRefer clients that fall out of JCU jurisdiction. Partner in child protection.Kemigabo Doreen 0774407634
Fort PortalKabarole Research and Resource Centre Uganda (KRC)NGOFort portal CityMugurusi RoadLaw, Human rights and governance, legal sensitization Receive refers from their organisation for derserving clients that qualify for JCU services.Patrick Muzinduki 0772583938
Fort PortalIJM- International Justice MissionNGOKabaroleKitumba near Regional DPP officeHuman rights especially SGBV casesReffer clients within their mandateOngom Ruth 0701688554
Fort PortalDirectorate of Community ServiceGovernment InstitutionKabaroleHigh Court of Fort Portal- BomaEnforce community service ordersPartner in Prison decongestionNazarius Tumusiime 0702317267
Fort PortalChief Magistrates court of Fort PortalGovernmentKabaroleHigh Court of Fort Portal- BomaAdministration of JusticePartner for dispute resolution - litigation, mediations, ADRH/W Kule Robert 0772887948 or Ikiriza Jonathan O/S 0772456849
Fort PortalHigh Court of Fort PortalGovernmentKabaroleHigh Court of Fort Portal- BomaAdministration of JusticePartner for dispute resolution - litigation, mediations, ADRJustice Vicent Emmy Mugabo 0772499683 or H/W Twinomuhwezi Henry 0772480577
Fort PortalUganda PoliceGovernmentKabaroleDistrict Police headquarters - BomaAdministration of JusticePartner for dispute resolution - litigation, mediations, ADR, outreachesDPC Oese John 0782110467/0702110467
Fort PortalUganda Prisions KatojoGovernmentKabaroleKatojoRehabilitation of inmatesPartner foroutreaches,criminal matters like Plea bargains and PDPASP Busulwa 0778634344
MbaleSironko District Local GovernmentGovernment InstitutionsSironkoSironko District Headquarters, Sironko Town along Mbale - Moroto road.Administration of estates, land, GBV, juvenile justice.Partner to conduct civic education, resolve disputes through mediation, referals of cases.Ms. Mugoya Cathy ( District Probation and Social Welfare officer). Contact:0772566366
MbaleUganda Government Prison -MutufuGovernment InstitutionsSironkoMutufu along Nalugugu- Budadiri road.Criminal justiceReferal of cases, legal representation for inmates, civic educationASP Wataka James , the Officer in charge of the Prison 0782964740
MbaleOffice of the Director of Public Prosecutions- SironkoGovernment InstitutionsSironkoAt Chief Magistrate's Court Sironko.Criminal justicePlea bargains, state brief, community awareness programs.Mr. George Bigira (new state on transfer/ no contacts yet obtained)
MbaleChief Magistrate's Court-SironkoGovernment InstitutionsSironko and BulambuliSironko District Headquarters, Sironko Town along Mbale - Moroto road.Land, administration of estates, GBVReferal of cases for Mediation, civic education especially local council CourtsH/W Mutala Peter Grade 1 Magistrate Sironko Contact: 0701789799
MbaleMbale Remand HomeGovernment InstitutionsEastern Uganda districtsNamakwekwe Cell, Northern Division, Mbale City.Juvenile justiceAwareness creation programs (civic education), plea bargain and legal representationMs. Amunyir Sarah, the Welfare officer .Contact:0782572265
MbaleFIDA -UWomen's rights organisationsMbaleAryada Street, Nkokonjeru Mbale City.Access to Justice for womenAwareness creation programs (civic education), mediations.Ms. Monica Nyawere Co-ordinator FIDA-U Contact: 0773151149
MbaleChief Magistrate's Court -MbaleGovernment InstitutionsMbaleRepublic Road, Mbale City.Land, administration of estates, GBVReferal of cases for Mediation, civic education especially local council CourtsH/W Ereemye James Jumire Mawanda, the Chief Magistrate.Contact:0776482436
MbaleHigh Court of Uganda- MbaleGovernment InstitutionsMbale , Sironko, Bulambuli, Budaka, Kibuku, Paliisa, Butebo, Bulambuli, Kapchorwa, Manafwa, Namisindwa, Bududa, Bukwo, KweenRepublic Road, Mbale City.Land, administration of estates, GBVMediation, legal representation, plea bargainsH/W Ereemye James Jumire Mawanda, Ag. Deputy Registrar Contact:0776482436
MbaleMbale District Local GovernmentGovernment InstitutionsMbaleBusoobaAdministration of estates, land, GBV, Child related cases, sexual and reproductive health rights.Partner to conduct civic education, resolve disputes through mediation, referals of cases.Ms. Nekesa Harriet, the District Probation and Social Welfare officer.
MbaleOffice of the Director of Public Prosecutions- SironkoGovernment InstitutionsMbale district & Mbale CityMbale City behind Mbale High Court BuildingCriminal justiceReferal of cases, legal representation for inmates, civic educationMr. Aliwali Kizito, the Resident Chief State Attorney. Contact: 0782482884
MbaleUganda Government Prison- MbaleGovernment InstitutionsMbaleMalukhu cell, Mbale City.Criminal justiceReferal of cases, legal representation for inmates, civic education
MbaleUganda Police Force ( Mbale Central Police Station)Government InstitutionsMbaleRepublic Road, Mbale City.Criminal justice, juvenile justice, land, administration of estates, GBVCommunity policing (conduct sensitizations)ASP Ziiwa Musa Kazibwe , O/C CID : Contact:0703218099, Deputy O/C CID D/IP Sande Milton
MbaleUganda Police Force- SironkoGovernment InstitutionsSironkoSironko towm along Mbale- Moroto roadCriminal justice, juvenile justice, land, administration of estates, GBVCommunity policing (conduct sensitizations)ASP Mujukye Richard O/C CID Sironko. Contact:0782136390
MbaleUganda Police Force -BudakaGovernment InstitutionsBudakaBudaka town along Mbale Tirinyi Road.Criminal justice, juvenile justice, land, administration of estates, GBVCommunity policing (conduct sensitizations)ASP. Nabunya Contact: 0780354399
MbaleBudaka District Local GovernmentGovernment InstitutionsBudakaBudaka town along Mbale Tirinyi Road.Administration of estates, land, GBVPartner to conduct civic education, resolve disputes through mediation, referals of cases.
MbaleUganda government Prison -BudakaGovernment InstitutionsBudakaBudaka Town.Criminal justiceReferal of cases, legal representation for inmates, civic education
MbaleChief Magistrate's Court- BudakaGovernment InstitutionsBudakaBudaka townLand, administration of estates, SGBVReferal of cases for Mediation, civic education especially local council CourtsH/W Komaketch Kenneth, Magistrate Grade 1 . Contact 0751711827
MbaleOffice of the Director of Public Prosecutions- BudakaGovernment InstitutionsBudakaBudaka town.Criminal justiceReferal of cases, legal representation for inmates, civic educationMs. Joan A. Mucunguzi Resident State Attorney Contact:
MbaleWomen with a MissionWomen's rights organisationsMbaleMs. Betty
MbaleChild Fund
HoimaDeputy Chief Administrative Officer(CAO)Government InstitutionsHoimaHoima district Local GovernmentSensitizationsRefferalsHannington Kiiza-0772590278
HoimaChief Administrative Officer(CAO)Government InstitutionsHoimaHoima district Local GovernmentSensitizationsRefferalsRukwago Martu Anthony Byenume Fredrick-0772495189
HoimaCommunity Service Officer-HoimaGovernment InstitutionsHoimaJudiciaryCriminal JusticePDP Activituies, state briefsKabuleeta John-0785163109
HoimaLC V ChairpersonGovernment InstitutionsHoimaHoima district Local GovernmentSensitizationsRefferals and donor supportKadiri Kirungi 0782508990
HoimaCity MayorGovernment InstitutionsHoimaHoima district Local GovernmentSensitizationsRefferals and donor support#ERROR!
HoimaResident State AttorneyGovernment InstitutionsHoimaDPPCriminal JusticeCriminal justiceNamazzi Racheal-0782153576
HoimaResident City CommissionerGovernment InstitutionsHoimaHoima CityAllRefferals, Land justice and othersKisembo Araaali-0782584354
HoimaRefugee Law ProjectGovernment InstitutionsHoimaHoima CityRefugee justiceOffer free legal aid services to refugees

Offer psychosocial services.

Promote knowledge of refugee law among legal professionals.
Refugee JusticeLegal Officer-Dorothy Mushabe-0776334289
HoimaUnited Nations High Commissioner for Refugees(UNHCR)United NationsHoimaHoimaRefugee justiceRefugee JusticeTugaine Didan-0772710016
HoimaAmerican Refugee Committeee(ARC)International OrganisationHoimaHoimaRefugee justicesensitizations and legal representationNakanwaji Joseline-0773420857
HoimaHoima District Union for DisabilitiesGovernment InstitutionsHoimaHoimaAdvocacy
-Capacity building
-Human Rights awareness
-Economic empowerment
Referals and sensitizationsProgramme Cordinator-Bigirweikya Gilbert-0782963021 Mob.+256 782 963 021
+246 700 139 453
Tel: +256 465 440 082
HoimaWorld Vision InternationalInternational OrganisationHoimaHoimaLegal Aid-Educational assistance
-Response to child emergency in the community
-child protection
-Christian nurture and commitment.
RefferalsKabogozza-0775080623 Moses-0772898130
HoimaDistrict Cordination Development Officer(DCDO)Government InstitutionsHoimaHoima district Local GovernmentAllsensitizations and legal representationEbong Keneth-0756647776
HoimaLabour OfficerGovernment InstitutionsHoimaHoima district Local GovernmentEmploymentsensitizations and legal representationAyesiga Anthony-0774536025
HoimaDistrict Education Officer(DEO)Government InstitutionsHoimaHoima district Local GovernmentOutreach to studentssensitizationsGodfrey Seruwanja-07772480154
HoimaProbation and Social Welfare OfficerGovernment InstitutionsHoimaHoima district Local GovernmentCustody and Maintenancesensitizations and legal representationIsaac-0782166885
HoimaCommunity Development Officer(DEO)Government InstitutionsHoimaHoima district Local GovernmentSensitizationsSensitizationsKneth Ebong-0776467776
HoimaRDC KyankwanziGovernment InstitutionsHoimaHoimaLandRefferalsKaboyo Maxwell-0774799790
HoimaO/C PrisonsGovernment InstitutionsHoimaPrisonsCriminal JusticeCriminal justiceDamalie -0782380325
HoimaRegional Police Commander(RPC)Government InstitutionsHoimaPoliceCriminal JusticeCriminal justiceKateeba Apollo-07015377226
HoimaDistrict Police Commander(DPC)Government InstitutionsHoimaPoliceCriminal JusticeCriminal justiceOngica Micheal-0772867353
HoimaOC CID Regional PoliceGovernment InstitutionsHoimaPoliceCriminal JusticeCriminal justiceWaiswa Ayub-0772974496
HoimaO/C Criminal Investigations Department(CID)Government InstitutionsHoimaPoliceCriminal JusticeCriminal justiceIsiko Ezra-0777111106
HoimaO/C Child Family Protection Unit(CFPU)Government InstitutionsHoimaPoliceCriminal JusticeCriminal justiceNampija-0782555612
HoimaNavigators of Development Association(NAVODA)Civil Society OrganisationHoimaHoimaLandsensitizations and legal representationED-Tusingwire Benon-0774704014
HoimaO/C PoliceGovernment InstitutionsHoimaPoliceCriminal JusticeCriminal justiceEkiu-0782439300/0754862216
HoimaProfessional Standards Unit(PSU)Government InstitutionsHoimaPoliceCriminal JusticeCriminal justiceTuriyo Hannington-0779340433
HoimaCompassion International (under Bunyoro Kitara Diocese)Civil Society OrganisationHoimaHoimaOrphans & other vulnerable childrenEducationRev. Can. Samuel Kawuma 0776558383
HoimaUganda Society of Disabled ChildrenHoimaHoima• Formal Education
• Health
• Psychosocial support
• Vocational training
• Child protection
• Food security and nutrition
• Formal Education
• Health
• Psychosocial support
• Vocational training
• Child protection
• Food security and nutrition
Albert Asiimwe 0782981286
HoimaUganda Women Effort to Save Orphans
HoimaHoimaPrevent child labour.
-Access to social services(education and health)
-Raising awareness and advocacy
-Strengthening livelihoods of vulnerable households and children
-Building capacity and coordination of stakeholders to prevent child labour
SensitizationsAg. Projects Manager 0772907086/0704277934
HoimaSight Savers internationalHoimaHoimaProvide vocational training to the youth with disabilities
-Provide start up kits for the youth after training.
-offer support in terms of income generating activities to the families of the youth who are severely disabled.F41
Project Coordinator Tel.0774 086 705
Hoima town opposite the King’s palace.
HoimaOffice of the Prime Minister
HoimaHoimaincharge of interviewing asylum seekers who need to attain refugee status.
- in charge of security in the refugee settlement.
-oversees activities of NGO’s operating in the refugee settlements.
in charge of interviewing asylum seekers who need to attain refugee status.
- in charge of security in the refugee settlement.
-oversees activities of NGO’s operating in the refugee settlements.
Mob. 0772 899 519
HoimaChief MagistrateGovernment InstitutionsHoimaHoima Chief Magistrates CourtAjiudication of casesLegal representationWorship George Ebong-0772333798
HoimaGrade 1 MagistrateGovernment InstitutionsHoimaHoima Chief Magistrates CourtAjiudication of casesLegal representationWorship Assimwe Esther-0772088550
HoimaGrade 1 MagistrateGovernment InstitutionsHoimaHoima Chief Magistrates CourtAjiudication of casesLegal representationWorshipWinnie.M. Jatiko-0782777202
HoimaAction Africa Help (AAH)HoimaHoimaNinsiima Gideon 0773 290 674
HoimaAfrican Centre for Treatment and Rehabilitation of Torture Victims, HoimaHoimaTreatment and rehabilitation of torture victimsLegal representationChief Executive Officer. Mr. Nsubuga Samuel Herbert Block 39 plot 113, Owen Road (off Tufnell Drive Kamwokya, P.O Box 6108 Kampala-Uganda, Tel: +256 312 263918/620, Fax: +256 312 263919, Email:
HoimaBunyoro Broadcasting TelevisionMediaHoimaHoimaMediaSensitizationsTumwesige Geofrey Journalist 0773 699 674
HoimaSpice FMMediaHoimaHoimaMediaSensitizationsTugume JohnBosco 0774 903 415
HoimaJustice and Peace Commission(JPC)Civil Society OrganisationHoimaHoimaMediationRefferalsFather Deogratius Rubagumya-0778050659
HoimaJustice Centres Uganda-Hoima BranchGovernment InstitutionsHoimaKiryandondongoFree Legal Aid services
-Psychosocial support
- General Human Rights awareness
Free Legal Aid services
-Psychosocial support
- General Human Rights awareness
Centre Manager Tiyo Jonathan-0782650445/0705775288. TEL:+256700500444
HoimaJudiciaryKiryandondongoKiryandondongoAjudication of casesAjudication of casesChief Magistrate-Ssejemba Deo
Magistrate Grade I-H/W Byamugisha Derick 0785326848
HoimaOffice of The PresidentKiryandondongoKiryandondongoLandRefferalsPeter.P. Debele 0752629850/0787807662 DISO Edward Brian Babishanga 0784253686
Government InstitutionsKiryandondongoKiryandondongoCriminal JusticeCriminal justiceDPC 0773126608/0752656865
HoimaOC CID CPSGovernment InstitutionsKiryandondongoKiryandondongoCriminal JusticeCriminal justiceOC CPS KiryandongoAbala Juventine 0772555424
HoimaD/ASP Kiryandongo district

Government InstitutionsKiryandondongoKiryandondongoSensitizations annd refferralsMambo Kassim
HoimaD/OC CID CPSGovernment InstitutionsKiryandondongoKiryandondongoCriminal JusticeCriminal justiceD/ASP Ajwanga Beatrice0774706598/0701537160

HoimaOC CFPU CPS KiryandongoGovernment InstitutionsKiryandondongoKiryandondongoMusinguzi Isaac 0771491717
HoimaD/OC CFPUKiryandondongoKiryandondongoIP Timbigamba Florence 0783156653
HoimaOC Traffic KiryandongoGovernment InstitutionsKiryandondongoKiryandondongoCriminal JusticeCriminal JusticeMolo Ambrose 0782072432
HoimaOC Bweyale police stationGovernment InstitutionsKiryandondongoKiryandondongoCriminal JusticeCriminal justiceASP Bainomugisha Shaphone
HoimaUganda prisons services

Government InstitutionsKiryandondongoKiryandondongoCriminal JusticeCriminal JusticeMagambo Bashir0704465034
HoimaKiryandongo District Local Government Chairperson LCVGovernment InstitutionsKiryandondongoKiryandondongoSensitizations and refferralsSensitizations annd refferralsNtairehoki Charlse 0772524813
HoimaKiryandongo District Local Government CAOKiryandondongoKiryandondongoOchengel Ismael 0772551353
HoimaKiryandongo District Local Government Principal Assistant CAOGovernment InstitutionsKiryandondongoKiryandondongoSensitizationsReferralsDacan Denis 0782339114
HoimaKiryandongo District Local Government DCDOGovernment InstitutionsKiryandondongoKiryandondongoSensitizationsSensitizations annd refferralsDabanja Geofrey 0772355182
HoimaKiryandongo District Local Government Senior DCDOKiryandondongoKiryandondongoSensitizationsOdoch Thomas 0784819809/

HoimaLabour OfficerGovernment InstitutionsKiryandondongoKiryandondongoEmploymentRefferalsOcheng Vincent 0772376800
HoimaDistrict Health Officer(DHO)Government InstitutionsKiryandondongoKiryandondongoHealthRefferalsDr. Mutyaba Imaam 0773556506
HoimaSenior Probation and Social Welfare Officer

Government InstitutionsKiryandondongoKiryandondongoFamily and Children AffairsRefferalsBusinge David 0785185196
HoimaProbation and Social Welfare OfficerGovernment InstitutionsKiryandondongoFamily and Children AffairsRefferalsNawesa Caroline 0784758228
HoimaTown Clerk,
Kiryandongo Town Council
Government InstitutionsKiryandongoKiryandondongoRefferalsMaanigamukama Reuben 0772622291
HoimaStation Manager,
Kibanda Radio
Government InstitutionsKiryandondongoMediaBabyesiza Henry 0774977922/0791997790
HoimaThe Refugee Law Project
Civil Society OrganisationKiryandondongoKiryandondongoLegal AidLegal representationCharity 0776897120
Hoima9. Yelekeni Child and Family ProgrammeCivil Society OrganisationKiryandondongoResponse to child sponsorship activities, Child protection and dialogue, Legal representationImailuk Micheal Federation Programs Manager 0392002375 Ochero John Paul Program Officer
Hoimauganda police Buliisa DPCGovernment InstitutionsBulisaBuliisaCriminal JusticeCriminal justiceSp Twala Peter 0772351820/0702351820
HoimaOC Station Buliisa CPSGovernment InstitutionsBulisaBuliisaCriminal JusticeCriminal justiceAsp Niwankunda Johnson 0783174000
HoimaCommunity Liasons OfficerGovernment InstitutionsBulisaBuliisaCriminal JusticeCriminal justiceSgt Gwanoko Benard 0772875099
HoimaBuliisa local government district chairpersonGovernment InstitutionsBuliisaBuliisaSensitizationssensitization and refferalsAgaba Simon Kinene 0772516691
HoimaCAOGovernment InstitutionsBuliisaBuliisaSensitizationsemploymentNakityo Joanitah 0772592908
HoimaDCDOGovernment InstitutionsBuliisaBuliisaSensitizationssensitization and reffaralsBarugahara Benard Atwooki 0772/0754372098
HoimaSenior Probation and Social Welfare Officer

Government InstitutionsBulisaBuliisaJuvenile justicesensitization and reffarals0772392438/0753687448 s katusabe
HoimaCDO BiisoGovernment InstitutionsbuliisaBuliisaSensitization and reffaralsNdozereho Nicolas 07811320729
HoimaCDO ButyabwaGovernment InstitutionsBuliisaBuliisaSensitizationssensitization and reffaralsMbabazi Faith 0775271395
HoimaCDO KihungyaGovernment InstitutionsBulisaBuliisaSensitizationssensitization and reffaralskatusabe lolince0776271577
HoimaCDO BuliisaGovernment InstitutionsbuliisaBuliisaSensitizationssensitization and reffaralsBamuturaki Gerald 0773703598
HoimaCDO NgwedoGovernment InstitutionsBulisaBuliisaSensitizationssensitization and reffaralsTumusiime Godfrey 0788418842
HoimaCDO KigweraGovernment InstitutionsBulisaBuliisaSensitizationssensitization and reffaralskatusabe Rogers 0775482979
HoimaCDO Town CouncilGovernment InstitutionsBuliisaBuliisaSensitizationssensitization and reffaralsAhura Robert 0785979991
HoimaPrincipal head of human resourceGovernment InstitutionsBuliisaBuliisaSensitizationsemploymentAgondwa Ronny Nickson 0783480957
HoimaBuliisa initiative for rural developnment organisation (BURUDO)Counselling & SHELTERNgwedo and Kigwero subcountiesBuliisaMediations and SensitizationsProject management Access to justiceOnenchan Pauline 0772994527
Hoimakakindo orphans careCounselling & SHELTERbuliisaBuliisaMediations and SensitizationsExecutive directorKazimura Alice 0782306875 kakindo
HoimaKakumiro district local governmentGovernment InstitutionsKakumiroKakumiroSensitizationssensitization and reffaralsDCDO kyesa Benard 0772563265
HoimaDisrict chair person LC VGovernment InstitutionsKakumiroKakumiroSensitizationssensitization and reffaralssentayi Joseph 0772331926
Hoimavice chairperson-LC 5Government InstitutionsKakumiroKakumiroSensitizationssensitization and reffaralsGrace Bataringaya 0775413584
HoimaCAOGovernment InstitutionsKakumiroKakumiroSensitizationsemploymentNsungwa peter Adyeeri 0772566539
HoimaDHOGovernment InstitutionsKakumiroKakumiroSensitizationsHealthyHerbert Senteza 0772393917
HoimaRDC KakumiroGovernment InstitutionsKakumiroKakumiroSensitizationssecurity , land justice, protection of peoples properties and peacekikata daniel 0772610440
Hoimasec to the RDCGovernment InstitutionsKakumiroKakumiroSensitizationsReports to RDCJenipher kunihira 077247825
HoimaDISO KakumiroGovernment InstitutionsKakumiroKakumiroSensitizationsinteligenceByaruhanga Edward 0772 519 171
HoimaDeputy DISOGovernment InstitutionsKakumiroKakumiroSensitizationsinteligenceDavid Kamanda 0783 491 960
HoimaDPC KakumiroGovernment InstitutionsKakumiroKakumiroSensitizationsCriminal justiceBwinza Twaha 0772 974 833/ 0701 537 379
HoimaO.C station Kakumiro CpsGovernment InstitutionsKakumiroKakumiroSensitizationsCriminal justiceTumusiime Nelson 0772 684 190
HoimaO.C CID Kakumiro CpsGovernment InstitutionsKakumiroKakumiroSensitizationsCriminal justiceNyaitera Allen 0783 856 036 / 0703 900 368
HoimaCLO kakumiroGovernment InstitutionsKakumiroKakumiroSensitizationsCriminal justiceKugonza fred 0774 194 329
HoimaKAGADI DISTRICTSensitizations
HoimaDCDOGovernment InstitutionsKagadiKagadiSensitizationssensitization and referralsNgondwe P. Kiiza 0772 681 648
HoimaCDO BuroraGovernment InstitutionsKagadiKagadiSensitizationssensitization and referralsBenon Nfitindinda 0772 322 3252
HoimaCDO RureteGovernment InstitutionsKagadiKagadiSensitizationssensitization and referralsTushabomwe Olivios 0780 414 202
HoimaCDO - MbaaleGovernment InstitutionsKagadiKagadiSensitizationssensitization and referralskugonza Beatrice 0777 815 920
HoimaCDO KyakabadiimaGovernment InstitutionsKagadiKagadiSensitizationssensitization and referralsSebaganda leonard 0784436778
HoimaCDO KiryangaGovernment InstitutionsKagadikagadiSensitizationssensitization and referralsTumwebaze Emmuale 0780482074
HoimaCDO NdaigaGovernment InstitutionsKagadiKagadiSensitizationssensitization and referralsKatusabe Peter 0781507182
HoimaCDO KyanaisokeGovernment InstitutionsKagadiKagadiSensitizationssensitization and referralsmugisa leonard 0787053613
HoimaCDO RugashariGovernment InstitutionsKagadiKagadiSensitizationssensitization and referralsbizibu solomon 0782001384
HoimaSCDO Muhooro T/CGovernment InstitutionsKagadiKagadiSensitizationssensitization and referralsKUGONZA CHARLES 0772323019
HoimaCDO Kagadi S/CGovernment InstitutionsKagadiKagadiSensitizationssensitization and referralsbirungi agatha christine 0781508838
HoimaCDO KyenzigeGovernment InstitutionsKagadiKagadiSensitizationssensitization and referralsnyamahunge betty 0772323426
HoimaCDO Mbaale T/CGovernment InstitutionsKagadiKagadiSensitizationssensitization and referralsAtugonza norah 0788303695
HoimaCDO BwikaraGovernment InstitutionsKagadiKagadiSensitizationssensitization and referralskyaliisima ivone 0778137004
HoimaCDOmpeefuGovernment InstitutionsKagadikagadiSensitizationssensitization and referralsBaluku jonathan0782405963
HoimaCDO P achwaGovernment InstitutionsKagadiKagadiSensitizationsSensitization and referralsKusemererwa evelyne 0785736046
HoimaSCDO Kagadi T/CGovernment InstitutionsKagadiKagadisensitization and referralsNabukenya rose 0782700213
HoimaCDO KyaterekeraGovernment Institutionskagadikagadisensitization and referralsmugume raphal 0785534599
HoimaCDO KabambaGovernment InstitutionsKagadiKagadisensitization and referralstusiime glads 0772323367
HoimaCDO Muhooro S/CGovernment InstitutionsKagadiKagadiSensitizationssensitization and referralstulyagumanawe syliliveseter 0787664132
HoimaCDO Mabaale Town councilGovernment InstitutionsKagadiKagadiSensitizationssensitization and referralsAtugonza norah 0788303695
HoimaSecretaryGovernment InstitutionsKagadiKagadiSensitizationsSensitization and referralsKunihira Rose 0788303695
HoimaProbation and Social Welfare OfficerGovernment InstitutionsKagadiKagadisensitization and referralsbanakora steven 0774673157
HoimaGender officerGovernment InstitutionsKagadiKagadiSensitizationsGender based violaence mattersNatukunda mary 0782553738
HoimaLabour officerGovernment InstitutionsKagadiKagadiEmployment mattersEmploymentKatunwensi Kennedy 0779862747
HoimaUganda Police Force MasindiGovernment InstitutionsMasindi and all sub countiesMasindi Port Road.Provide child and family protection to different juvenile offenders and community policingReferrals and Follow up on different matters.OC Child and Family Protection. Name:Agnes Okidi contact:0773404456/0752546389. Position:Investigating/OC CID Officer.Name.Tusiime Mary PositionCommunity Liason officer.Name:Mukasa Peter .Contact:0789373821 DPC
HoimaUganda prisons services

Government InstitutionsMasindiMasindi Port Road next to LDC legal Aid clinicProvide custodial services to offenders,rehabilitation and social reintergration.Conducting outreaches and also help inmates either enter plea bargain agreements or apply for bail and sensitizimg them on their rights while in custody. Ssambya Festo (DPC) at 0782808576,Mugasha Felix(OC) at 0779615841
HoimaCODECA Communitry Development Conservation AgencyCivil Society OrganisationMasindiMasindi Post Bank building Sensitizing communities on child related interests,advocating for the rights of children and against child labourAdvocating for children rights, and sensitizing communities on child related interests.Patrick Mwesigwa at 0772939761
HoimaMinistry of Gender,Labour and Social Development:Masindi District Local Government Gender,Labour,community based services, welfare and probation officeGovernment InstitutionsMasindi and all sub countiesMasindi District headquartersProvide social welfare services for children,elderly,youth and the vulnerable such as women suffering in domestic violence and cordination of community services,support supervision to child related CBOs Sensitizing on women's rights and the children .Businge Clare Wamala at 0772826096
HoimaLegal Aid Project of Uganda Law SocietyLegal Aid Project of Uganda Law SocietyMasindiMasindi KijunguLegal Aid services to the poor and vulnerable individualsReferals and sensitizationsKabigumira Innocent at 0779904492
HoimaJudiciaryGovernment InstitutionsMasindiMasindi High CourtDelivering justice to all through a transparent justice systemReferals to JCU from the judiciary and follow up on matters.His Lordship Jessy Byaruhanga at 0465421060/0772419806 and the Chief Magistrate His worship Sejemba Deo
HoimaDirector of Public ProsecutionsGovernment InstitutionsMasindiMasindi along Masindi Port RoadGuiding police investigations,sanctioning of files,consenting to withdrawal of casesCriminal justiceMiss Elima Doreen (RSA) at 0794332336
HoimaLegal Aid Clinic of Law Development CentreGovernment InstitutionsMasindiMasindi town along port road next to RDC'S officesRepresent clients charged with petty offences,mediation outreaches to communities to raise legal awarenessReferrals and follow up on mattersHerbert Walusimbi at 0700778955 and
HoimaCommunity Driven NetworkCivil Society OrganisationMasindiMasindi town along port road next to RDC'S officesoverseeing the activities of all NGOS operating in MasindiReferalsEdward at 07825576679
HoimaMasindi Local governmentGovernment InstitutionsMasindiMasindi townOverseeing all the activities of offices operating under Masindi local governmrntReferals and organising sensitization of the people in masindiNkuruzinza Banga Geofrey(CAO) at 07845585237,Byaruhanga Cosmas(LCV) at 0772417137,Magambo judith probation and s
HoimaOffice of the Resident District CommissionerGovernment InstitutionsMasindiMasindi townLandReferalsKirabira Rose Kobusinge(RDC) at 0772981574 ,Tibasiimwa Dominic (D/RDC) at 0772824439
HoimaJustice for ChildrenGovernment InstitutionsMasindi,Hoima and KiryandongoMasindi High Court buildingAdvocacy for children rights ,resettlement of childrenReferals and sensizationLinda Arombo(Regional Cordinator) at 0774613774
HoimaCDO-Mabaale Town CouncilGovernment InstitutionsKagadiMabaale Town CouncilAugonza Norah-0788303695
HoimaCDO-KyakabadiimaGovernment InstitutionsKagadiKagadiSsebaganda Leonard-0784436778
HoimaDistrict Health Officer(DHO)Government InstitutionsKagadiKagadiHealthRefrrralsDr. Olowo James -0772574279
HoimaDistrict chairperso LC 5Government InstitutionsKagadiKagadisensitization and referralssensitization and referralsNfashingabo Byaruhanga Stephene 0772 580 543
Hoimachief adminstrative officerGovernment InstitutionsKagadiKagadisensitization and referralsemploymentNdifuna Mathias 0774 395 394
HoimaDeputy CAOGovernment InstitutionskagadiKagadisensitization and referralssensitization and referralsBalemzi Fred 0772 477 060
HoimaDEOGovernment InstitutionskagadiKagadiEducationSensitizationsBukenya Bathromio 0772 592 671
HoimaAssistant DEOGovernment InstitutionskagadiKagadiEducationSensitizationsBeatrice Mbabazi 0772 644 061
HoimaEduction officer incarge of special needsGovernment InstitutionskagadiKagadiEducationSensitizationsTwinomujuni F.K 0772 932 265
HoimaInspecter of schools Buyaga westGovernment InstitutionskagadiKagadiEducationSensitizationsTumwebaze Matia 0782 314 145
HoimaInspecter of schools Buyaga eastGovernment Institutionskagad8KagadiEducationSensitizationsTukamuhabwa Gerald 0773 758 931
HoimaSports officerGovernment InstitutionskagadiKagadiSensitizationsMugume John 0781 396 291
HoimaDistrict inspecter of schoolsGovernment InstitutionskagadiKagadiEducationAlinda Julius 0782 476 909
HoimaDHOGovernment InstitutionskagadiKagadiHealthSensitizationsDr. Olowo James -0772574279
HoimaAssistant DHOGovernment InstitutionskagadiKagadiHealthSensitizationsKajumba 0772 315 374
HoimaDistrict health inspecterGovernment InstitutionskagadiKagadiHealthHealthy0772 688 794 Muganyizi Godfery
HoimaHIV Forcal personGovernment InstitutionskagadiKagadiHealthSensitizationsKefa 0782 964 947
HoimaDistrict health servilence officerGovernment InstitutionskagadiKagadiHealthSensitizationsBaligi Paul 0786 331 764
HoimaDistrict health educaterGovernment InstitutionskagadiKagadiSensitizationsHealthyTumwebaze Justine 0782 950 954
HoimaRDCGovernment InstitutionskagadiKagadiSecuritysecurity , land justice, protection of peoples properties and peaceLuterelawo Lillian 0414 666 977 / 0772 084 265
HoimaDISOGovernment InstitutionskagadiKagadiinteligenceAdam Kamindi Yebaza 0782 301 225
HoimaDPCGovernment InstitutionskagadiKagadiSecurityCriminal justiceKamal Stephen 0773 414 916
HoimaDistrict Probation OfficerGovernment InstitutionskagadiKagadiFamily and Children AffairsreferalsMugume Rafail 0785 534 599
HoimaWorld VoicesCivil Society OrganisationkagadiKagadiGeneral population affairsreferalsExecutive Director. Benda Gerald 0772 676 028 / 0792 961 664
HoimaSenior Probation OfficefGovernment InstitutionskagadiKagadiFamily and Children Affairsreferrals
LiraReproductive Health UgandaSexual & Reproductive HealthLiraMain street obote avenue Lira city Easthealth, counsellingmanager
LiraTASO UgandaSexual & Reproductive HealthLiraSenior Quarters-LiraHIV/AIDS Prevention & Supporthealth, counsellingmanager
LiraHuman Rights FocusWomen's rights organisationsGulu & PaderGulu Plot 1/3 Dr Moro Lane,Laroo, P.O BOX 970 GuluHuman rightsHuman rightsAdyero Caroline Jean, 0794432259,0780717350
LiraCCVS(Centre for Children in Vulnerable Situations)Counselling & SHELTERLiraplot 23,Otim Tom road,junior quarters B,Lira,P.O BOX 1026 LiraChild rightscounsellingAkadu Rebecca Rachel, Mental health counsellor 0779511533
LiraThe Apac Anti Corruption coalition-TAACCGBVLango sub regionApac ,P.O BOX 64 ApacAnti-corruption, Governance & AccountabilityCorruption, community/women's right empowermenetOpwonya Tom superman Executive Director,Plot 11, Republic street, Apac town council,0772647107/0752647107
LiraLegal Aid Project of the Uganda Law SocietyGovernment InstitutionsAcholi Sub regionGuluHuman rights, legal aid, advocacyLegal Aid servicesEnen Ambrose, Legal officer, Gulu branch 0789856805
LiraLegal Aid Clinic of the Law Development Centre-Lira clinicGovernment InstitutionsLangoHigh Court LiraLango subregionLegal service provision and referralsFaisal Mulalira (Asst. Director- LDC Lira) 0774442514
LiraPlatform for Labour ActionGovernment InstitutionsLiraOpposite Regional prison Headquarters LiraLango subregionLabour Disputes ResolutionOgwal Andrew 0787432814
LiraTPO Uganda/USAIDWomen's rights organisationsLiraJunior quarters opposite Adyel divisionPeacebuilding, GBV, and economic empowerment.Outreaches, Dialogues, Counselling & peacebuilding initiativesAmony Gladys 0780904004
LiraAction Aid Uganda LiraCounselling & SHELTERLiraCommunity Based Services Offices, Lira DLGLamwaka Annet 0782691885
LiraSolidarity Uganda (Human Rights Defender)Women's rights organisationsLiraLiraAuma Tamali 0755545630
LiraWomen Peace Initiatives Uganda (Human Rights Defender)Women's rights organisationsLiraOjwina division headquartersHuman rights, Women empowermentHuman rights, advocacyRashida Adong Oketcha
LiraFacilitation for Peace and DevelopmentGBVLiraLiraAcot Grace
LiraAYINET(African Youth Initiative Network)GBVLiraAfrican quarters, Lira City West division opposite Catholic cathedral LiraGender based violence, counsellingDiana Grace Akello 0788100931 Gender Coordinator
LiraUganda Human Rights Commission Lira OfficeGovernment InstitutionsLiraAfrican quarters, Lira City West division opposite Catholic cathedral LiraHuman Rights Protection & PromotionEnforcement of Human RightsOtim Anthony (Head UHRC- Lira) 0782872032
LiraLango cultural foundationGovernment InstitutionsLiraLango Cultural institution Lira senior quartersCultureCounselling, Mediation in customary disputesMinister of cultural heritage lango cultural foundation Abal Patrick 0772593595
LiraPLAN InternationalChild right'sLirasenior quarters, Lira City East division, P.O Box LiraWASH, Health, Education, Child protection, Gender transformation.Counselling, community awareness on the protection of the right of a girl child.Patrick Emukule (Program Area Manager) 0772344770
LiraDistrict Labour OfficeGovernment InstitutionsLiraLira city headquartersLabourResolution of Labour disputesDistrict Labour Officer
LiraProbation and Social welfare officerGovernment InstitutionsLango sub regionLira city headquartersChild welfareJuvenile justice systemOlao Ronny (Probation & Welfare Officer) 0782699144
LiraChild and Family Protection Unit(CFPU)Government InstitutionsLiraCentral police station LiraEnforcement of human Rights abuseDistrict Police Commander Mr. Mugerwa Ben-0706834006/ OC CIID Lira Namukose Josephin,0777479289
LiraCourtsGovernment InstitutionsLiraLira,Apac,Oyam,Kole,Dokolo,Otuke,Amolatar CourtsLitigationChief magistrates
LiraPrisonsGovernment InstitutionsLiraLira government prison,Anyeke prison,Kole prison,Loro prison,Otuke,AmolatarHuman RightsO.C Prisons
Lirathe Uganda Association of Women Lawyers FIDA -UgandaWomen's rights organisationsKampalaplot 100 Lutaya drive,Bukoto P.O BOX 2157 Kampala, UgandaGBV256 414-530848
LiraUganda Women's Network (UWONET)Women's rights organisationsLiraPlot 710 Bbuye Kigoowa, Mirembe Close, Ntinda. P.O Box 27991 KampalaWomen empowermentGBVRita H. Aciro Lakor (Executive Director) 0414266539
LiraFoundation for Integrated Rural Development (FIRD)Human rightsLiraPlot 24, Nubi Road, Junior Quarters, P.O Box 711, LiraEconomic empowerment & Human rightsHuman RightsDaniel Apitta (Project Coordinator) 0774211487
LiraCentre for Women & Children's ReintegrationWomen & Children's rightsLango, Teso, AcoliOber-Kampala, Lira City West Division, Lira City. P.O Box 106 Lira. www.cewochr.orgHuman Rights, Psychosocial support, Socio-economic empowerment, legal aid, researchLegal aid services, human rights awareness, joint advocacyElizabeth Alyano (Executive Director) 0772616448/ 0759616448
MukonoInternational Justice Mission - IJMAdvocacy& ResearchMukono, Kayunga & BuikweKampalaLegal Aid, Human Rights Awarenes Creation, Advocacy & ResearchPatnerships in providing quality legal AidN/A
MukonoLife Line Development & Relief UgandaOVC ( Orphans & Vulnerable Children)Mukono, Kayunga & BuikweKampalaAwareness Creation & AdvocacyPatnerships in advocating human rightsN/A
MukonoTransparency InternationalGovernment InstitutionsMukono, Kayunga & Buikwe
MukonoOffice Of the Director of Public ProsecutionsGovernment InstitutionsMukono, Kayunga & BuikweMukono-opposite Chief Magistrates Court MukonoLegal aid & prison decogestion program (PDC)Patnerships in providing quality legal AidMS. Naluzze Aisha
MukonoUganda Police ForceGovernment InstitutionsMukono , Kayunga & BuikweMukono , Kayunga & BuikweLegal Aid, Human Rights Awarenes Creation, Advocacy & ResearchPatnerships in providing quality legal AidDPC-Mukono
MukonoJudiciary Of UgandaGovernment InstitutionsMukono,Kayunga& BuikweKampala Awareness Creation, Referral network & Legal AidAdvocacy, Awareness Creation, Referral network & Legal Aid
MukonoLASPNETLegal AidMukono. Kayunga & BuikweKampalaAdvocacy & Legal AidAdvocacy & Collective lobying for increased government support to Legal Aid.Sylvia Namubiru
MukonoUganda PrisonsGovernment InstitutionsMukono, Buikwe & LugaziKauga- Mukono opp Mukono District Headquarters, Ngowe-Buikwe, Lugazi Government Prison, Legal Aid, Human Rights Awarenes Creation, Advocacy & ResearchAdvocacy & Collective lobying for increased government support to Legal Aid.Nakisunga Prison-Muwaya Hussan-0782601578. Lugazi Prison-Rosemary Jeke-0778693353 Buikwe Prison-ASP Amoronge-0774018291 Busaana Prison -Awori Mariam-0704846227
MukonoUGANET (Uganda Network on Law Ethics and Hiv & AidsLegal AidMukono & BuikweKampalaLegal Aid, Human Rights Awarenes Creation, Advocacy & ResearchPatnerships in providing legal aid, counselling and shelterNabbosa Caroline-0759437639
MukonoProbation OfficeGovernment InstitutionsMukonoMukono- Distrct HeadquartesLegal Aid, Human Rights Awarenes Creation, Advocacy & ResearchPatnerships in providing counselling and shelterNtege James, 0772998031
MukonoChief Administrative Officer (CAO)Government InstitutionsMukonoMukono- Distrct HeadquartesAwarenes Creation & AdvocacyAwarenes Creation & AdvocacyNkata.B. James
MukonoResident Distrct Commissioner (RDC)Government InstitutionsMukono, Buikwe & KayungaMukono- Distrct HeadquartesAwarenes Creation, Advocacy & ResearchAwarenes Creation, Advocacy & ResearchN/A
MukonoFIDA UgandaWomen's rights organisationsKampalaKampalaAdvocacy, research & Legal Aid0800 1 115 11 – Toll free
MukonoPepperdine UniversityAdvocacy& ResearchKampalaKampalaAdvocacy & ResearchPatnerships in providing quality legal AidN/A
KaseseUganda Police ForceGovernment InstitutionsKaseseRwenzori RoadLaw and OrderReferaal, Legal awanreses RPC SP ASIIMWE -0701990444
KaseseUganda Human Rights Commission, Field OfficeGovernment InstitutionsKasesePlot 22, Kilembe road. Kasese Municipality Promotion and protection of Human Rights: Response to Human rights violations by Government Agencies and IndividualsReferrals, Civic education, Monitoring of detention and health facilities.NABASINGA VERONICA- 0702921424- Human Rights Officer.
KaseseRDCGovernment InstitutionsKaseseRDC BuildingReferrals, Civic education, over sight of government programmes LT .JOE Walusimbi -0752611204
KaseseNOWUDUNGOKasesePLOT 2015, KISASI ROAD BOX 24891Advocacy, human rights, gender emppwerment, SRHR, Disability literacyLinkanges, referrals, civc education Mbambu Deborah -0779885367
KaseseUGANETNGOKasesePLOT 22, Off Kilembe road. Kasese Municipality Human rights , SRHR, VAWG. HIV and legal servicesReferall, case management, community awareness and
KaseseUWONETNGOKaseseRWAKINGI, opposite WWF officesAdvocacy, human rights, gender emppwerment, SRHR, linkanges, referrals, civc education BIIRA WINNIE 0705281553
KaseseJUDICIARYGovernment InstitutionsKaseseBox 7085 KampalaAdministration of justicemediationsOKUMU JUDE-CHIEF MAGISTRATE-0781495510
KaseseUGANDA PRISONSGovernment InstitutionsKaseseCustody of prisonersPDPSSP Kumakech Godfred -0776939171
KaseseUGANDA WILD LIFE AUTHORITYGovernment InstitutionsKaseseUWA hqtrs BUKOTOCONSERVATIONLegal AwarenessBushendick Patrick-0782163844
KaseseKASESE YOUTH LINKNGOKaseseCivil educuation, infortainmentlegal AwarenessKATO RONALD- 0786096480
KaseseCENTRE FOR GENDER EQUALITY (CEGE)COMMUNITY BASED ORGANISATIONKaseseKAMAIBA /KITESOhuman rights , SRHR, VAWG. LEADERSHIP, Economic empowermentDocumtaion, skills development, advocacyMBAMBUJOLLY- MUHYANA-0783906253
KaseseINTER-RELIGIOUS COUNCIL-KASESE BRANCHCIVIL SOCIETYKaseseAnglicn cathedral kasesePeace building, spiritual growth ReferrralREV . Ezra Mukonzo Yongeza- 0772467785
KaseseRWENZORI PEACE BRIDGENGOKaseseRwenzori RoadLegal awareness, mediation mediations, referrals NDUNGU NELSON SANDE-0772481997
KaseseBUSONGORA KINGDOMCultural institutioncountyrtywideIkamiro palace, RukokiCultural heritage, awareness Referral, Mediations, Legal Awareness KING IMARA KASHAGAMA DAN-0789756487
KaseseOBUSINGA BWA RWENZURURUCultural institutioncountyrtywideAlexander Street. Kasesecultural heritage, awareness Referral, Mediations, Legal Awareness HON. NAOME MBAMBU-GENDER MIN