Domestic violence

Domestic violence is any act done by the perpetrator which harms or injures the safety or wellbeing of the victim physically or mentally. Domestic violence takes various forms such as sexual abuse, emotional abuse, economic abuse, Physical and psychological abuse.

Forms of domestic violence:

Note: All the above acts are prohibited by law and perpetrators who are found guilty could be sentenced to 2 years’ imprisonment or a fine of 48 Currency points (960,000 Ugx)

If you are a domestic worker you can find more information about your rights following this link.

[1]  Section 18 of the HIV/ AIDS Prevention and Control Act, 2014 Mandates Medical practitioners to disclose the results of the HIV/AIDS test to ONLY the person tested.

[2] Article 27 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uganda, 1995, prohibits unlawful search of the person or the person’s property.

[3] We could make an exclusion of rape from this kind of sexual abuse. Rape carries a punishment that is graver.