This is a story of Namubiru Mary (pseudonym), a client who approached JCU-Mmengo Centre in October 2019. Mary’s father, Nsubuga (pseudonym), had passed away intestate in 2017 and he was survived by six (6) children. The deceased had left a plot of land and money in the bank.
Mary and her siblings went to the bank to find out how much money had been left but they weren’t successful because the process the bank told them to follow in order to get that information was long and confusing to them. This frustrated them to the point of almost deciding to abandon the money.
Upon hearing Mary’s story, JCU assigned her case to Annette Nankya (Legal Officer) to help her with the process of acquiring letters of administration. The Legal Officer scheduled an appointment with Mary and took her through the whole process of acquiring letters of administration. On 19th March 2020, JCU’s Nankya together with Mary and her siblings appeared in Nabweru Chief Magistrate’s Court for identification and thereafter two of the children were granted letters of administration.
Even though getting the letters of administration was Mary’s sole reason for approaching JCU, the Legal Officer continued to follow up with Mary advising her on the bank process to ensure that the money was transferred to the beneficiaries’ joint bank account. It was discovered that the deceased had left 9.3million shillings on his account which was eventually transferred to the beneficiaries’ joint account at the beginning of April 2020.
The client was grateful to JCU for the free legal assistance and stated that the money was timely and it was going to help the beneficiaries especially during the lock down period.
In her own words, this is what Mary had to say, “Thank you so much for helping us in this whole process of getting Letters of Administration and finally having the bank give us the money. We had lost hope of ever getting that money. I am very grateful to Justice Centres Uganda”.