Legal Advice - Justice Centres Uganda


JCU provides free legal advice both via toll free lines and to walk-in clients. Anyone with a legal problem can call our toll free lines and will receive free legal advice.

A representant of the police at a Baraza organized by JCU taking place in Buikwe District

Support with self-representation:

This is a service that JCU recently introduced, after the realisation that there are Ugandans not necessarily living below the poverty line but not well off either. They understand and speak English and know how to use a computer, but however, they do not qualify for JCU services because they are not the bottom 10% of the Ugandan population. In such instances, where JCU cannot provide an advocate, we provide support to such people so that they are able to represent themselves in court.

As JCU, we provide documents, stationery, legal advice, and prepare the person on court etiquette and processes and what to expect. This demystifies the court process for the client and empowers him/her thereby enabling the client to confidently represent themselves and claim for their rights. This also means that people do not have to spend any money on a legal representative.

Legal awareness and sensitisation:

Through conducting outreaches and barazas to the communities. Outreaches are conducted to various groups including; women, schools (secondary & tertiary), persons with disabilities, and persons in places of detention (police, prisons, remand homes).

These legal awareness sessions help to empower communities to among others, know about substantive legal issues such as; what constitutes a valid will, what is a legal marriage, dealing with domestic violence, child abuse, and land rights, the various court processes, how to self-represent in court etc. This not only reduces incidences of disputes because the communities know to avoid them by being more knowledgeable about the law, but also ensures that where conflicts arise, the same are first dealt with at community level, thus reducing the volumes of cases that come to the already clogged courts.

In addition, JCU carries out media campaigns through radio spot messages and TV and radio talk shows on relevant legal and access to justice issues affecting communities.

In addition to all these services, we also advocate for reform of laws and negative practices.