Justice Centres Uganda is one of the best legal aid service providers in Uganda according to a senior DANIDA Official – Ms. Katja Kerschbaumer. This was during the project review retreat held at Esella Hotel in Kampala where Ms. Kerschbaumer, a member of the JCU steering Committee was in attendance. Dr. Katja in her remarks applauded JCU’s robust visibility and excellent work ethic of its staff. “The branding is really good, easily recognizable, availability is good. Someone will be there to listen to the client when he or she calls in”, she said.
Dr. Katja in her remarks to staff participating in this retreat also called on Justice Centres Uganda to focus more on advocacy and work hard toward gathering data on achieved targets in a bid to attract more funding from the donor community and government. She added that JCU has a crucial role in improving services provided by JLOS institutions due to the strong partnerships with these institutions. “Aim to be the best! Adopt a culture of excellence”, she implored her audience that was composed of JCU managers and technical staff from all centres across the country.