James restores land from his defiant uncle - Justice Centres Uganda

James restores land from his defiant uncle

Our client James, approached JCU Hoima in 2017 after being rendered homeless by his maternal uncle Daniel. James was the owner/beneficiary to his late mother’s estate comprised of a plot of land and a residential house. From 2015, Daniel had harassed his nephew over the said property until he evicted him from the land. He had no one in his defense besides his two sisters and maternal aunties that disapproved of Daniel’s actions.

Prior to JCU’s invention, James had sought redress at the LC’s office and family members however he wasn’t helped because his uncle Daniel who also happened to be their family/clan leader, over powered them. Several mediations were held but to no avail which prompted to seek litigation. It was difficult getting reliable witnesses to support James’ case since Daniel was threatening to excommunicate any relative who supported James, from the family.

Despite the threats imposed by Daniel, James’ aunties stood by him throughout the trial of this case. They testified in court in support of his case providing strong evidence that helped him win the case against his errant uncle. Eventually in February 2023, the case was successfully litigated in James’ favor, declaring Daniel a trespasser. Further orders of general damages of Ugx. 2, 000,000 eviction order, permanent injunction order was granted against the defendant/respondent. Our client regained his property and he is now in full possession of the same.

“Many people are still suffering in the hands of errant individuals and non-committed leaders who fear to defend the oppressed. Therefore, there is need for rising up without fear as human rights defenders and take a lead in defending the majority oppressed against the errant perpetrators at all levels.” JCU Legal Officer
