District Chain-linked Committee - Justice Centres Uganda

District Chain-linked Committee (DCC)

At the District level, the Justice Law and Order Sector (JLOS) is represented by the JLOS District Chain Linked Committee (DCC).

The DCC is comprised of the following representatives:

  1. JLOS institutional representatives at district level;
  2. Representatives of the legal profession;
  3. District Probations and Social Welfare officer;
  4. Civil Society Organizations and private sector organizations; operating within the JLOS thematic areas of criminal and civil justice, child justice, anti-corruption, land,  transitional justice and human rights;
  5. Medical superintendent;
  6. the Local Government representatives;
  7. co-opted members of the public as need arises.

Each JLOS institution nominates one representative to the committee and an alternate person who may attend meetings in the absence of the substantive member.

Assistant Registrars of High Court Circuits and all magistrates in the district, Resident State Attorneys, District Police Commander, District   Prison   Commander   and   District Criminal Investigation Officer shall be members of the committee. Each district chain linked committee has between 10 and 35 members depending on the number of agencies

Role of DCC:

The District Chain linked Committees shall:

    • oversee and coordinate improvements in the administration of justice and maintenance of law and order;
    • be the focal point for JLOS district activities; 
    • undertake civic, public education and outreach programmes;
    • iron out   misunderstandings   between   stakeholders and enhance cooperation, coordination    and    communication among stakeholders;
    • create an open and safe environment in which it is possible to discuss each other’s performance, strength and weaknesses;
    • undertake periodic    reporting    to    the    JLOS    Technical committee through the JLOS  Secretariat  with  copy  of  the report to the committee patron who is the resident Judge of the High Court circuit;
    • strive to  remove  impediments  in  the  chain  of      justice  and provide   periodic   updates   on   pending   cases   involving vulnerable groups such as women and children;
    • organize JLOS open days in the areas of their jurisdiction;
    • ensure  that  all  institutions  respect,  observe  and  promote the  bill  of  rights  in  the  Constitution  of  the  Republic  of Uganda,  1995  (as  amended)  with  regard  to  timely  delivery of  justice,  fair  trial  and  rights  of  suspects  and  persons  in detention.