Strategic Objectives - Justice Centres Uganda

Strategic Objectives

Strategic Objective 1 (SO1)

Vulnerable individuals and communities are aware of their legal and human rights and how to claim them.

To reach this strategic objective JCU sensitizes vulnerable communities and duty bearers about legal rights and procedures with specific communication measures:

    • Meetings with communities and specific outreaches for women, children and people with disabilities; 
    • Visits to prisons, courts and police stations; 
    • Barazas; 
    • Targeted spot messages on TV and radio; 
    • Participation at TV and radio talk shows; 
    • Articles in newspapers and other public awareness campaigns.

Strategic Objective 2 (SO2)

Vulnerable individuals and communities are empowered to realise their rights through litigation and mediation.

Under this strategic objective, people are made aware of their legal rights and feel empowered to realise them. They can effectively resolve disputes using both litigation and mediation

Under this objective JCU provides basic legal advice either physically or through its toll-free lines. JCU also supports clients through provision of mediation services carried out at its offices and in the communities (locus mediations). JCU provides legal representation in court to clients with disputes across the spectrum of rights and pursues outcomes for its clients. Furthermore, JCU helps the courts conduct court annexed mediations while at the same time supporting the State brief scheme.


As a consequence, JCU is contributing to JLOS’ strategy to reduce court case backlogs and contributes towards filling the gap of ensuring legal aid to all persons – indigent and vulnerable, who cannot afford a lawyer.


Strategic Objective 3 (SO3)

Key advocacy issues regarding access to justice are put on the national agenda.

JCU undertakes evidence-based advocacy for the reform of laws, policies and practices to facilitate access to justice and to ensure provision of legal aid to all persons indigent and vulnerableTo reach this objective the following steps are being undertaken by JCU:

    • Partnerships with scientific, academic and other institutions are being established;
    • A solid network of collaborators is put into place;
    • Extensive research on issues regarding the access to justice is facilitated;
    • those fields of work where JCU is best placed to lobby for changes in law, policies and practices are identified.

Strategic Objective 4 (SO4)

JCU’s institutional capacity to deliver legal aid on behalf of the State is strengthened.

To strengthen JCU’s strategical position the institutional capacity of JCU is being improved through specific measures within the following areas:

    • Staff Development – through extensive trainings; 
    • Steering Committee – clear organization and commitment building; 
    • Results Based Monitoring – long-term systematic data analysis to underpin advocacy strategy; 
    • Business Development – strengthen current capacities to deliver and advocate for legal aid

By doing this, we position JCU as a valuable partner in the field of legal aid service provision. JCU is a dependable affiliate for development partners and eligible to be a state-funded national legal aid body established under the National Legal Aid Bill, when it is passed as law.