Magistrate Court

These are the most accessible and used courts in the country and all districts have a Magistrate Court. They comprise of the following levels of Magistrates:

Chief Magistrate:

The Chief Magistrate has powers to hear criminal and civil cases. In hearing civil cases, the powers of the Chief Magistrate shall extend to the hearing of cases whose money value does not exceed fifty million shillings (UGX 50 Million). In criminal matters, the Chief Magistrate has powers to decide any case except those punishable with death. In cases involving customary law, the powers of the Chief Magistrate are not limited to any amount of money.

Magistrate Grade I

Magistrate Grade 1 can only decide civil cases whose monetary value does not exceed Twenty million shillings (UGX 20 Million). In criminal cases, a Magistrate Grade 1 has the power to decide any case except those whose maximum punishment is death or life imprisonment. The power of the Magistrate Grade I, is limited to deciding cases that are punishable by a sentence not exceeding ten years. (10). In cases involving customary law, the powers of the Magistrate Grade 1 are not limited to any amount of money.

Magistrate Grade II

This level of Magistrates is gradually being phased out. S/he may try any offenses such as rioting, threatening violence, abuse of office, etc. Magistrtae Grade II cannot impose a sentence of imprisonment exceeding three years (3) or a fine exceeding five hundred thousand shillings (UGX 500,000) or both such imprisonment and fine.


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