cultural leaders and local council executives - Justice Centres Uganda

Trainings for Cultural Leaders and Local Council Executives

Together, we identify capacity gaps in terms of legal rights and their impact on  and targeted training on this legal topic. In fact, we are building capacities of duty bearers to understand the law, legal issues and JCU’s role.

Community empowerment comprises more than the provision of knowledge on legal rights and procedures. With the support of Cultural Leaders and Local Council Executives JCU strives to remove barriers to access to justice and build communities’ confidence in the justice system by:

  • Providing knowledge on legal rights and the procedures;
  • Fostering communities’ confidence in the justice system and JCU;
  • Ensuring that gender specific needs are met and considered in all JCU services;
  • Strengthening cooperation with local organizations and institutions;
  • Enable communities to resolve conflicts on their own.