Clients Satisfaction Survey - Justice Centres Uganda

Clients Satisfaction Survey (CSS)

As part of Justice Centres Uganda’s continuous endeavor to serve its clients better, it undertakes client satisfaction measurements to identify areas where clients would want JCU to improve. Some of the specific objectives are to find out:
  1. How easy it is to contact the Centres about possible legal aid services;
  2. Helpfulness of JCU staff;
  3. Clarity of information/advice provided;
  4. Quality and usefulness of advice provided through the toll-free telephone line and physical legal representation.
Client satisfaction is considered simply to be the clients’ perception about the nature of service that she/ he receives or received, and whether it met or did not meet their expectations. To be able to assess this, some of service areas below are usually considered for the surveys;
    • Availability (ability to get hold of someone quickly)
    • Contact with legal officers (do the clients find JCU legal officer/ lawyers approachable)
    • Communications (are clients sufficiently informed on case progress)
    • Response times (are the services provided swiftly, efficiently and promptly)
    • Clarity (is the advice provided clear and unambiguous)
    • Understanding (clients needs/ requirements are understood and concerns taken on board)
    • Non-lawyers (friendliness and helpfulness of administrative staff)
    • Costs (are clients being charged to receive the services)
    • Complaints (are clients dealt with promptly and effectively)
    • Service use (approximately how many times has a client sought services from JCU on a totally new case)
The Client Satisfaction Surveys are undertaken on a regular basis (At least once a year). Sometimes a consultant is hired to undertake the surveys and other times, staff undertake mini surveys.