Certificate of No Objection - Justice Centres Uganda

Certificate of No Objection

It is a formal document stating that the Administrator General has no objection or does not object to the holder of the same for purposes of applying for Letters of administration of the estate of the deceased.

The office of the Administrator General is mandated to issue Certificates of No Objection to person(s) intending to apply to Court for Letters of Administration.

Procedure for obtaining a Certificate of No Objection:

  • Family members of the deceased should convene a meeting to choose the person(s) who should be administrator(s) and therefore be granted Certificate of No Objection.
  • During the family meeting, deceased’s known beneficiaries, assets, liabilities, members’ attendance and the deliberations should be recorded on a piece of paper.
  • Obtain the death certificate of the deceased.
  • Obtain Local council one recommendation/confirmation letter.
  • Report the death of the deceased to the office of Administrator General.
  • At the office of the Administrator General, the file of the deceased’s estate shall be opened.
  • After the file is allocated to a Legal Officer, he or she will cause a family meeting to be held either at Georgian House in the offices of the Administrator General or through the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) of the district where the deceased person had his or her residence. The CAO may request the concerned Sub-County or Parish Chief to hold this meeting.
  • The Administrator General may request additional information if he or she finds that the meeting at the CAO’s office was not properly held or that it was not attended by all the concerned beneficiaries.
  • During this meeting above, the family is expected to nominate a person or persons to take over administration of the estate of the deceased person.
  • Following the family meeting of all concerned beneficiaries, a certificate of No Objection will be issued within 28 days after the Legal officer handling the file has received the photocopies of identification documents of all the persons who attended the meeting; and the photographs of the persons who are applying for a Certificate of No Objection (intending administrators).

The Administrator General issues a Certificate of No Objection to the person(s) nominated to enable them apply for Letters of Administration in the relevant Court of Law.