Category: Criminal Law
What is termination? According to Section 64 the Employment Act 226 as amended, termination occurs in the instances where the contract of service is: Ended
What is leave? Leave is authorized absence from work for a period of time authorized by the employee’s workplace. An employer has a duty to Grace was brought to JCU Kasese office by the Kasese District LCV chair person, after she’d been defrauded by one of the bush lawyers The complainant (Yolesi) is a single mother to a two-year-old. The complainant and her mother had a lot of misunderstandings with the respondent (Yolesi’s Two families were at the verge of falling over a money dispute. It all started in 2015 when our client Jane, out of compassion, Aminah was married to Fahad for about 40 years. The couple while still renting, bought a plot of land in Kiryatete-Hoima Town Council with In April 2022, Daphne approached JCU Tororo for legal support because her husband (Pete) of five years had petitioned for divorce and was chasing The dispute took place in 2019 in Kasunga I village, Mukunyu Sub County concerning a husband who wanted to sell off their family land
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Mengo: 0800 100 225
Tororo: 0800 100 226
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Hoima: 0800 100 213
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Fort Portal: 0800 100 216
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Bundibugyo: 0800 100 223 Kasese: 0800 100 224 Yumbe: 0200 906 833