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BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:-//WordPress - MECv5.22.0//EN X-ORIGINAL-URL:https://justicecentres.go.ug/ BEGIN:VEVENT UID:MEC-2b8501af7b64d1aaae7dd832805f0709@justicecentres.go.ug DTSTART:20220105T080000Z DTEND:20220105T180000Z DTSTAMP:20220210T090700Z CREATED:20220210 LAST-MODIFIED:20220210 SUMMARY:Community Outreach In Mukuno DESCRIPTION:The Centre was honored by the acceptance of the organizers of the vaccination exercise which was taking place at district grounds on the 5th January 2022 to sensitize the masses on the re-opening of JCU, Service rendered, the location of the different offices and availed the participants with the toll free lines of the different Centres. \nIssues raised \n\nSome women complained of fathers who do not want to provide maintenance for their children. These were encouraged to come to office for legal assistance starting with mediation as the first option.\nSome women complained of being chased away from their homes by their cohabitee partners as a result of domestic misunderstandings\n\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

The Centre was honored by the acceptance of the organizers of the vaccination exercise which was taking place at district grounds on the 5th January 2022 to sensitize the masses on the re-opening of JCU, Service rendered, the location of the different offices and availed the participants with the toll free lines of the different Centres.

Issues raised

URL:https://justicecentres.go.ug/events/community-outreach-in-mukuno/ ORGANIZER;CN=:MAILTO: CATEGORIES:Mukono Centre ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:https://justicecentres.go.ug/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/co.jpg END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR